University of Virginia Library

Escort System Established

Recent rape and assault
incidents have moved the
University to establish an
escort system for women
returning home late at night,
and to present seminars on

According to Mr. Johnstone,
the higher incidents of
"stranger to stranger" crimes
are due to the transient student

"Prowlers are not afraid to
enter a house around certain
areas of town," he asserted.
"They know that they do not
run the risk of encountering a
husband or family situation."

"This should only reinforce
the need to lock doors, and
take other necessary
precautions. What upsets me
the most is the public apathy,"
Mr. Johnstone lamented.
"People are not willing to gt
involved. When they hear
screams, they immediately
ignore them, or justify a reason
not to find out what is