University of Virginia Library

Versed In Trivia

And what does this mean?
Mr. Buchanan says, "Most
degrees guarantee merely that
the holder has been around for
four years and has spent his
time studying one thing more
than the others."

Yes, we are well versed in
the trivia of one subject, be it
history, English, or any other
department that comes under
the category of "liberal arts".

The system of requirements
and departmental
specializations has
been ingrained in our practices
for so long that the possibility
of eliminating them completely
and Instating a total "liberal
arts" program is small.

The need for a broader,
more diverse, curriculum still
exists, however. The answer,
according to Mr. Buchanan,
involves presenting an optional
major, "Bachelor of Liberal

The course plan of this
major "takes into account
assumptions about the sort of
society the graduate will live
in. This would include
recognition of such trends as
urbanization, aggrandizement
of large organizations but
diminution of trust and
confidence in them, reduced
production but increased
services and leisure, continued
anxiety and alienation, more
diversity and less
conventionalism, more concern
about the value consequences
of political decisions,
continued inadequacy of health
care, increasing specialization
of occupation, and so on."