University of Virginia Library

Inaccurate Saboteurs

Lindsay B. Mount, the other half of the
Progress co-publishing management, conceded
that "Basically they [Worrell] believe in a

heavy play on local news" but emphatically
denies that economy underlies the changes in
the composition of the staff. He explained that
some of the people who were "discharged"
were talented but were sabotaging the paper, or
were not particularly concerned with accuracy
in the stories they wrote.

When asked why, if the Worrell company
was not substantially reorganizing the paper, so
many changes had come about since January,
Mr. Mount replied that it was mostly due to the
fact that during that time he had become
publisher of the Progress, replacing General
Manager J.W. Gentry.

Concerning the quality of the present staff,
specifically the new heads of the
advertising, circulation and sports departments,
Mr. Mount claimed, "I don't think the people
we had before could hold a candle to the
people we've got now.

Mr. Runser paints an entirely different
picture when he chronicles the changes that
took place when the Worrell company bought
the Progress.