University of Virginia Library

Overpopulation Problems

The first panel meets at 1:30 p.m. tomorrow
in East Hall to discuss problems caused by
overpopulation and to examine possible policy
goals. Speakers include Reimert T. Ravenholt,
Director of the Office of Population of the
Agency for International Development;
Professor Joseph J. Spengler, Chairman of the
Department of Economics of Duke University;
and Moye W. Freymann, Director of the
Carolina Population Center at the University of
North Carolina.

The second panel discussion, beginning at
3:30 p.m. in East Hall, involves an examination
of the institutional approach to the population
problem at all levels. This panel will determine
what agencies are involved, examine their
resources, goals, successes, and difficulties, and
discuss the need for additional resources.

Participating will be Philander P. Claxton
Jr., Special Assistant to the Secretary of State
for Population Matters; Phyllis Piotrow of the
Population Crisis Committee; Professor Terry
McCoy of Ohio State University; John Keppel
of the U.N. Fund for Population Action;
Johnson C. Montgomery, Counsel to Zero
Population Growth; Harriet F. Pilpel, Counsel to
Planned Parenthood - World Population; and
Professor Mary Ellen Caldwell of the Ohio State
University School of Law.