University of Virginia Library


Miss Fonda spoke of the changes in the
American army — in regard to fragging, "I've
talked to soldiers who have killed more officers
than Vietnamese." Some soldiers have finally
found a use for their guns — they smoke dope
out of them. The desertion rate has tripled in a
few years; she called it "the Vietnamization of
the American army."

She ended her speech by endorsing and
reading the People's Peace Treaty, and then
answering questions from the audience.


C. Sands

Queen Jane Approximately

Before her talk she held a brief news
conference. Answering questions, she said she
had no plans of making any films with her
brother — "I didn't come here to talk about
films"; "...there is only one problem, and that
is the economic structure of the country."
Since activism, "I've become a better actress";
on Americans. "We are Neanderthal men and
women as far as politics are concerned." Does
she believe in socialism? — "For starters, yeah."
And on the anti-war movement: "If it weren't
for the demonstrations, we would be like Nazi

Her first words at the conference were "Is
there anybody from the University of Virginia
here? . . . Hi."