University of Virginia Library

Drag Effect

The College voting statistics were
interesting, showing a drag effect on both
major parties. In the VPP, it is obvious
that the presence of Kevin Mannix on the
ticket greatly helped the party's cause.
Probably no single College student has
worked harder at the often-burdensome
task of handling Council details, and his
grasp of the subjects was obvious in his

On the other hand, the Jefferson Party
was probably hurt by having Bill Hurd on
its ticket. Mr. Hurd, a first-year man, had
been hoped to lure many first-year votes
to the party because first-year men
customarily vote more frequently than
upperclassmen; but his right-wing politics,
which he had hoped to hide by not
campaigning in the first-year dorms,
became evident anyway. The result was a
negative effect one dorm counselor
reported his hall was not voting for the JP
because "Hurd is one of those guys."