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Powers Unchanged

Although in 1944 the name of
the organization was changed to its
present title, the Student Council,
its powers have been virtually

The Council is directed by
officers which the members elect
each session. Arthur (Bud) Ogle of
the Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences will serve as President this
coming term.

The Council has played a large
role in having the Board of Visitors
re-examine many regulations. Two
summers ago, the Board, upon
Council's recommendation,
approved a revised car rule
permitting any student past his first
with a 2.0 average or better to
operate a motor vehicle in Charlottesville.
This past year, the
Council was instrumental in the

Board's adoption of a co-education
proposal that will go into effect
next year.

The Council also recommends to
the Student Activities Committee
allocations for student organizations.
The SAC is made up of
three student leaders, including thy
Council President, three members
of the administration, and three
faculty members.

The SAC generally follows the
Student Council's recommendations
concerning these allocations
to the student publications, clubs
and various athletic teams.

Only the Student Council holds
the authority to act in the name of
the student body, and make and
enforce regulations for the student
body, exclusive of the Honor and
Judiciary Committees.