University of Virginia Library

Visionary Goals

While the Gaullists shared the goals of this
vision, they denounced its integrative features.
Far from restoring France, it was held that such
schemes would submerge it in an entity over
which it may have no certain control. Moreover,
if the United Kingdom were included in
united Europe, a major purpose of the construction
would be defeated that is, the
disengagement of American forces and influence.
For Britain was seen as Atlantic rather
than European in its orientation and willing to
play the role of Trojan horse for American
power. Integration, it was claimed, would therefore
destroy France's identity, reinforce America's
influence in Europe, and lead the Soviet
Union to tighten its grip in Eastern Europe.

No, the goals of the French integrationists
could only be attained, argued General de Gaulle
in 3 ways: (1) by preserving and
strengthening all the resources of French diplomacy
and strategy, (2) by establishing contractual
ties with the German Federal Republic,
and (3) by stimulating national economic
growth through a carefully defined economic
common market which would reduce competition
from without Europe, provide a large
market for French agriculture, and stimulate
without endangering French industrial growth.