University of Virginia Library

Reduction Essential

"We believe that steps to reduce
land and air operations by
American forces, signifying our
intention to limit our aims in
Vietnam, are an essential precondition
for the release of those political
forces which will bring
genuine negotiations," reads the
heart of the statement.

The petition asserts that the
United States is not legally committed
to continue its current
policy in the war, which is "destroying
the Vietnamese society
we seek to protect." The statement
continues, however, "We
reject the suggestion that opposition
to the present policy necessarily
implies precipitate withdrawal
of American forces or
abandonment of our supporters
in Vietnam."

"Desperately needed domestic
programs" are being subordinated
to the demands that the war is
placing on the country's resources
and energies, continues the petition.

Professor Roy A. Schotland,
who is the local spokesman for
the declaration, said he felt this
kind of statement can have national
impact and urged "people
who are standing around wringing
their hands and asking what they
can do" to take similar action.

Mr. Schotland asked, "Why
don't other parts of the University,
the history or economics departments,
do something nationally?"