University of Virginia Library


Mrs. Smith reminded the Board of Mr. Gravatt's remarks at the November 12th meeting on the
heavy executive responsibilities of the President, and on President Darden's reluctance to seek or
to accept assistance in carrying the enormous and increasing load of administrative detail.
Asked for comment, President Darden said that he had nothing to add to his former statement of
reluctance to spend additional funds on the general administration of the University in view of
departmental needs. The discussion that followed called attention, in the light of the President's
need for time for consideration of policy matters, to the increased demands made on the President's
time by Mary Washington College, by the new Schools and Departments at Charlottesville, by
expansion of Extension work, and by the current and anticipated rise in enrollment.

The Board resolved that a committee be appointed to consider and make recommendations on the
administrative structure of the University. The Rector appointed a special committee for the
purpose as noted above.