University of Virginia Library

King Fellowship

A University law student is
one of 55 black veterans
named to receive Martin
Luther King Jr. Fellowships for
the coming school year from
the Woodrow Wilson National
Fellowship Foundation.

Robert Joseph MacBeth Jr.
of Philadelphia, Pa., a 1969
honors graduate of Hampton
Institute, will receive one of
the fellowships granted by the
foundation each year for
graduate and professional
study in preparation for careers
of service to the nation and the
black community.

Since the King Fellowship
program was begun in 1968, a
total of 235 fellowships have
been awarded. Thirty of the 55
fellows named this year are
receiving the fellowships for
the first time, and 25 are
receiving renewals for a second

Mr. MacBeth, who will
enter the law school as a
first-year student this fall,
received his bachelor's degree
from Hampton Institute in
1969 and a master's degree
from Tufts University in 1970.
He served as a Sergeant in the
U.S. Army Intelligence Corps.