University of Virginia Library

$1,520 Law Tuition

Law school tuition for
out of-state students currently
enrolled was raised from the
present $1,370 to $1,445 for
the 1973-74 school year. The
board set tuition for
out-of-state students entering
law school next all at $1,520.

The board also approved
further increases for
out-of-state students for the
1974-75 school year, and set
the tuition for new students in
Fall 1974 at $2,000.

Students currently enrolled
in the Law School will have
their tuition ind to $1,520
for the 1974-75 school year,
while students who enter the
Law School in Fall 1973 will
pay $1,725 for the 1974-75
school year.