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Financial Budget. University of Virginia, 1910-1911. Estimated Resources available for Current Expenses.


Financial Budget. University of Virginia, 1910-1911.
Estimated Resources available for Current Expenses.



































From Annual State Appropriation,  $80,000.00 
From Special State Appropriation, Hospital 1911 (4 mos.)  3,333.33 
From Students' Loan Fund Appropriation,  800.00  84,133.33 
From Alumni Board of Trustees, (Treasurer's estimate)  39,250.00 
From Alumni Board of Trustees, Wm.C.Rives Fellowship, (est.)  250.00 
From Alumni Board of Trustees, $126,000. from Va. Trust Co.,  6,349.00 
From Barbour-Page Lecture Endowment Fund,  1,100.00  46,949.00 
From John B. Cary Memorial Endowment Fund,  2,476.71 
From Linden Kent Memorial Endowment,  3,048.00 
From Miller Board Endowment,  6,000.00 
From Corcoran Endowment,  6,000.00 
From Vanderbilt Endowment,  4,100.00 
From John W. Scott Memorial Endowment,  200.00 
From Library Endowments,  948.00 
From Fellowship Endowment, (John Y. Mason)  210.00 
From Scholarship Endowments,  372.00  23,354.71 
From Edward W. James Estate,  3,889.48 
From Arthur W. Austin Estate,  8,000.00 
From General Education Board,  3,000.00  14,889.48 
From Interest on Bank Balances,  450.00 
From Rents, from Residents on Grounds,  2,342.00 
From Lights, from Residents on Grounds,  634.00 
From Heat, from Residents on Grounds,  550.00 
From Students, on deferred payments,  1,200.00  5,176.00 
From Students, Fees, Tuitions & Rents, 800 @ $92.00 est.,  73,600.00 
From Students, Registration & Special Exam. Fees., (est.)  400.00  74,000.00 
Total Resources,  $248,502.52 
Detailed Expenditures. 
I. General Administration. 
(a) Salaries: 
Edwin A. Alderman, President,  $ 8,000.00 
H. H. Thurlow, Secretary,  960.00 
Howard Winston, Registrar,  1,000.00 
Stenographer, Executive Offices,  900.00 
Associate Editor of Bulletin, 
Messenger, Executive Offices,  240.00 
Forward,  $11,100.00 
Brought forward,  $11,100 00 
(b) Advertising,  2,500 00 
Alumni Bulletin,  1,500 00 
Annual Catalogue,  1,500 00 
Contingent Fund,  3,500 00 
Commencement Fund,  300 00 
Entertainment Fund,  750 00 
Diplomas,  200 00 
Printing,  600 00 
Janitor, Administration Building,  96 00  22,046 00 
II. College and Graduate Departments. 
1. Latin: 
Professor, Thomas Fitz-Hugh,  $ 3,000 00 
Instructor, J. S. McLemore,  600 00 
Instructor, A. V. Bishop,  400 00 
Instructor, S. P. Cowardin, Jr.,  300 00  4,300 00 
2. Greek: 
Professor, M. W. Humphreys,  $ 3,300 00 
Instructor, J. S. McLemore  $300 00  400 00  3,700 00 
3. Edgar Allen Poe School of English: 
Professor, C. Alphonso Smith,  $ 3,300 00 
Adjunct Professor, James E. Routh, Jr  $1,250  1,000 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,__________  200 00  4,500 00 
4. English Literature: 
Professor, Charles W. Kent,  $ 3,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, Charles W. Paul,  1,100 00 
Instructor,  600 00 
Instructor, W. T. Myers,  100 00 
Assistant,  200 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,__________  200 00 
Special, for books, &c.  48 00  5,248 00 
5. Romance Languages: 
Professor, Richard H. Wilson,  $ 3,300 00 
Instructor, J. C. Bardin,  700 00 
Instructor, S. M. Cleveland,  500 00 
Board of Visitors Fellowship,  200 00  4,700 00 
6. Mathematics: 
Professor, James Morris Page,  $ 3,300 00 
Professor, W. H. Echols,  3,000 00 
Forward.  $ 6.300 00  44.494 00 
Brought forward,  $ 6,300 00  44,494 00 
Instructor, E. S. Smith,  300 00 
Instructor, Angus Echols,  300 00 
Instructor, R. E. Beard,  300 00 
Instructor, __________  90 00 
J. Y. Mason Fellowship, __________  210 00  7,500 00 
7. Astronomy: 
Professor, Ormond Stone,  $ 3,000 00 
Vanderbilt Fellowships: 
(a) C. P. Olivier,  350 00 
(b) C. M. Wunder,  350 00 
(c) H. H. Gaver,  350 00 
Observatory Appropriation,  405 00  4,455 00 
8. Physics: 
Associate Professor, L. G. Hoxton,  $ 2,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, D. V. Guthrie,  1,200 00 
Instructor, W. N. Neff,  300 00 
Instructor, S. H. Diggs,  300 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  800 00 
Janitor Service,  180 00  4,780 00 
9. Chemistry: 
Professor, J. H. Kastle,  $ 3,300 00 
Professor, F. P. Dunnington,  3,300 00 
Professor, R. M. Bird  2,500 00 
Adjunct Professor, Graham Edgar  1,200 00 
Instructor, D. P. Woodson  500 00 
Instructor, A. R. Merz  500 00 
Instructor, J. W. Watson  300 00 
Assistant, Lester Patton  250 00 
Laboratory Appropriation, All Dep'ts.  900 00 
Janitor Service, (3 Laboratories)  630 00  13,380 00 
10. Biology: 
Professor, A. H. Tuttle,  3,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, W. A. Kepner,  1,500 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  450 00  4,950 00 
11. Geology: 
Professor, W. M. Fontaine,  July 27500  3,300 00 
Aug 27500 
Professor, Thos. L. Watson,  2,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, J. S. Grasty  1500—  600 00 
Instructor, Stephen Taber,  450—  300 00 
Janitor Service,  225 00  6,425 00 
Forward  $ 85,984 00 
Brought Forward  $ 85,984 00 
12. History: 
Professor, R. H. Dabney,  $ 3,300 00 
Instructor, W. W. Douglas,  300 00 
Rives Fellowship, Jos. B. Ernest, Jr.  200 00  3,800 00 
13. Economics: 
Professor, Thomas W. Page,  3,000 00 
Instructor, T. E. Didlake,  300 00  3,300 00 
14. Philosophy: 
Professor, Albert Lefevre,  3,300 00 
Professor, Bruce R. Payne,  500 00 
Instructor, Albert Balz,  450 00 
Assistant, __________  300 00  4,550 00 
15. Education: 
Professor W. H. Heck,  2,500 00 
Professor, Bruce R. Payne,  2,500 00 
Travelling Expenses—Secondary Education  500 00  5,500 00 
16. Biblical History and Literature: 
Professor, W. M. Forrest  2,476 71 
17. Germanic Languages: 
Associate Professor, W. H. Faulkner,  2,500 00 
18. Miscellaneous: 
Dean, James M. Page,  300 00 
(a) Miller,  250 00 
(b) Miller,  250 00 
(c) Miller,  250 00 
(d) Thompson Brown, C. S. Grant,  90 00 
(e) Valentine Birely, Wm. Storm,  210 00 
(f) H. C. Cabell,  72 00 
(g) State High Schools,  100 00 
Janitor Service, Cabell Hall  180 00  1,702 00 
III. Law Department 
Professor, W. M. Lile,  $ 3,000 00 
Professor, C. A. Graves,  3,000 00 
Professor, R. C. Minor,  3,000 00 
Professor, A. M. Dobie  2,500 00 
Forward  11,500 00  109,812 71 
Brought Forward  11,500 00  109,812 71 
Instructor, S W otw  750 00 
Instructor, W T ff Neff  750 00 
Law Librarian,  300 00 
Assistant Law Librarian C W Davis  200 00 
Instructor in Pub. Speaking and Parl. Law,
C. W. Paul 
100 00 
Library Appropriation,  1,500 00 
Janitor Service,  250 00  15,350 00 
IV. Medical Department: 
1. Anatomy: 
Professor, R. H. Whitehead  3,300 00 
Associate Professor, H.E. Jordan,  2,400 00 
Instructor, J. Alex. Waddell  500 00 
Assistant, __________ 
Anatomical Laboratory Appropriation,  750 00 
Histological Laboratory Appropriation,  350 00 
Anatomical Library and needs,  200 00 
Janitor Service, Dissecting Hall,  300 00  7,800 00 
2. Physiology: 
Professor, Theodore Hough,  $ 3,000 00 
Instructor,  x x x 
Assistant Instructor,  x x x 
Assistant Instructor  S. S. 100 00  200 00 
C T Po 100 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  400 00 
Janitor Service  250 00  3,850 00 
3. Bacteriology and Pathology: 
Professor, H. T. Marshall  $ 3,000 00 
Instructor, V W alli  1,000 00 
Assistant, U S Woodbery Pathology  110 00 
Assistant, W E Bray Pathology  100 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  600 00 
Janitor Service, Medical Hall  135 00  4,945 00 
4. Pharmacology, Materia Medica and Toxicology: 
Professor, J. A. E. Eyster,  $ 3,000 00 
Assistant, __________  500 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  450 00 
Janitor Service,  250 00  4,200 00 
5. Clinical Diagnosis: 
Associate Professor, J. C. Flippin,  $ 2,500 00 
Assistant,   100 00 
Laboratory Appropriation,  150 00  2,750 00 
Forward  148,707 71 
Brought Forward  148,707 71 
6. Practice of Medicine: 
Professor, John Staige Davis,  3,300 00 
7. Surgery and Gynecology: 
Professor, S. H. Watts,  $ 3,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, H. V. Stone   1,750 00 
Assistant, W. H. Goodwin,   200 00  4,950 00 
8. Obstetrics: 
Professor, W. D. Macon,  1,000 00 
9. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: 
Professor, H. S. Hedges,  $ 250 00 
Professor, R. F. Crompton,  250 00  500 00 
10. Hygiene: 
Professor, W. A. Lambeth,  2,500 00 
11. Miscellaneous: 
Dean, R. H. Whitehead,  250 00 
Hospital,  8,000 00 
Dispensary,  300 00 
Dispensary Pharmacist,  100 00 
Janitor Service, Dispensary  150 00 
McCormick Scholarship,  140 00 
Maintenance, Animal House  75 00  9,015 00 
V. Engineering Department: 
Professor, W. M. Thornton,  $ 3,000 00 
Adjunct Professor, W. S. Rodman,  1,500 00 
Associate Professor, J. L. Newcomb,  2,250 00 
Adjunct Professor, Charles Hancock,  1,500 00 
+600 00 
Instructor, John M. Gallalee,  400 00 
Instructor in Drawings, Chas. Hancock,  400 00 
Assistant, H. B. Andrews,  200 00 
Assistant, W. T. Tabb,  200 00 
Assistant,   +200 00 
Assistant, F. N. Lewis,  200 00 
Appropriation, Mechanical Laboratory,  500 00 
Janitor, Mechanical Laboratory,  240 00  11,190 00 
VI. Summer School: 
General Appropriation,  1,400 00 
Forward  182,562 71 
Brought Forward  182,562 71 
VII. General Library: 
Librarian, John S. Patton  $ 1,500 00 
Assistant Librarian, Anna S. Tuttle,  800 00 
Assistant, Mrs. Johnson,  200 00 
Assistant, E. E. Washburn,  100 00 
Assistant,  125 00 
General Appropriation,  2,100 00 
Income, from Endowment Funds,  946 00 
Janitor Service,  300 00  6,073 00 
VIII. Buildings and Grounds: 
Superintendent, W. A. Lambeth,  750 00 
Landscape Architect, W. H. Manning,  250 00 
Foreman and Chief Mechanic, John Franks,  1,000 00 
Electrician, B. F. Kirby,  700 00 
Engineer (lighting plant) J. Golding,  660 00 
Engineer (heating plant) H. M. Lee,  280 00 
Fireman, William Malone,  210 00 
Night Police and Watchman, R. W. Durrett,  420 00 
Foreman of Grounds, L. W. Dudley,  540 00 
8 Laborers on Grounds,  2,496 00 
Janitor, General on Grounds and Buildings,  216 00 
Janitor, Randall Building  180 00 
Janitor, Randall Building  135 00 
Janitor, Alumni Hall  27 00 
10 Janitors, Student Dormitories,  1,620 00 
Repairs,  5,000 00 
Improvements,  2,000 00 
Resevoir and Water Line,  230 00 
Insurance and Renewals,  2,651 25 
Fuel — Heat and Light,  6,000 00 
Supplies, —Electrical,  500 00 
Gas,  600 00  26,465 25 
IX. Gymnasium: 
Associate Director, H. H. Lannigan  300 00 
Instructor, Phys. Culture, P M chter  200 00 
Assistant, Phys. Culture, R R Dale  130 00 
Equipment, heat and light,  450 00 
Janitor Service,  225 00  1,305 00 
Forward  216,405 96 
Brought Forward  216,405 96 
X. Miscellaneous: 
President's House, Maintenance,  500 00 
Dining Hall, Maintenance,  200 00 
Dining Hall, Salary Ch'm. of Committee,  250 00 
Madison Hall, Maintenance,  200 00 
Debating and Oratorical Union,  100 00 
Debater's Medal,  50 00 
Stenographer to Deans and Superintendent,  500 00 
Organist and Organ Repairs,  300 00 
Barbour-Page Lecture Fund,  1,100 00 
Retiring Allowance, Noah Davis 
Retiring Allowance, Henry Martin  300 00 
Retiring Allowance, Humphrey Shelton  216 00  3,716 00 
XI. Business Administration: 
Bursar, I. K. Moran  1,750 00 
Assistant, C. H. H. Thomas,  200 00 
Assistant, __________  150 00 
Legal Counsel, John B. Moon,  1,000 00 
Secretary, Board of Visitors,  100 00 
Commisioner of Accounts, S. B. Woods 
Interest on Debt,  8,000 00 
Sinking Fund,  2,000 00 
State Students' Loan Fund,  800 00  14,000 00 
XII. Temporary General Appropriations: 
1. Installation of Modern Bookkeeping System,  1,000 00 
2. Heating East Range,  1,750 00 
3. Extra Boiler for Heating and Lighting Plant  1,200 00 
4. Philosophical Society Publications,  1,000 00 
5. Field Instruments in Engineering,  400 00 
6. Care of Massie Sewerage matter,  1,000 00 
7. Removing and Classifying Law Library,  250 00 
8. Apparatus in Economic Geology,  300 00 
9. Appropriation to Charlottesville Fire Department,  200 00 
10. Ezekiel Statue of Jefferson,  1,000 00 
11. Law Building Loan, $26,500 Int. at 5 per cent.  1,325 00 
9,425 00 
12. Secretary of Alumni Board of Trustees,  100 00  9,525 00 
243,646 96 
Financial Budget — General Summary 
Total Estimated Resources of University 1910-1911  $ 248,502 52 
Summary of Expenditures: 
I. General Administration,  $22,046 00 
II. College and Graduate Departments  87,766 71 
III. Law Departments,  15,350 00 
IV. Medical Department,  44,810 00 
V. Engineering Department,  11,190 00 
VI. Summer School,  1,400 00 
VII. General Library,  6,073 00 
VIII. Buildings and Grounds,  26,465 25 
IX. Gymnasium,  1,305 00 
X. Miscellaneous,  3,716 00 
XI. Business Administration,  14,000 00 
XII. Temporary General Appropriation,  9,525 00  243,646 96 
Balance  4,855 56 

On motion, the Board adjourned.

I. K. Moran

Armistead C. Gordon

June 13th, 1910

The regular June meeting of the Board of Visitors called for this date, was
not held, on account absence of a quorum.

I. K. Moran,