University of Virginia Library

The Colonnade Club.

The historic old pavilion on West
Lawn, last occupied by Professor Noah
K. Davis, is being refitted for the home
of the Colonnade Club. The building,
in architectural design, is Doric of Palladio,


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and is the remains of old Central
College, the nucleus about which the
present greater institution has formed.
For several years after the University
scheme was inaugurated, this building
was used as the library. From the time
its corner-stone was laid, October 6, 1817,
in the presence of Jefferson, Madison,
Monroe, and other distinguished men, to
the present, it has occupied a place in
the University's history familiar in location
and conspicuous in interest. The
use to which it is now being put is peculiarly
appropriate. It is to be the home
and meeting-place of the Colonnade Club,
an organization recently founded, composed
of teachers, officers, and alumni of
the University.

On the evening of April 23, last, officers
for the Club were elected as follows:
President, Prof. T. W. Page; secretary
and treasurer, Mr. R. M. Price; board of
governors, Profs. T. W. Page, P. B. Barringer,
W. M. Lile, W. A. Lambeth, Albert
Lefevre, W. M. Fontaine, and Mr. John
D. Van Horne.

The object of the Club is to promote
acquaintance, good fellowship, and general
culture among the faculty and alumni,
and especially to provide a home-like
place where old students, even on brief
chance visits to the University, may
meet old friends and make new ones.