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Hymn 1.

O Thou, who plead'st the widow's cause,
Who only canst repair my loss,
And sweeten all my woe,
Distress'd, disconsolate, forlorn,
Let me in Thy dear bosom mourn,
Nor other comfort know.


A desolate soul, Thou know'st, I am;
For Thou hast call'd me by my name,
Thy poor afflicted one,
Hast in the fiery furnace tried,
And chose a mourner for Thy bride,
When all my joys were gone.
The soul whom more than life I loved,
Thy jealous mercy hath removed,
To make me wholly Thine:
With streaming eyes the Hand I see,
And bow me to the just decree,
And bless the love Divine.
Still would I pour my mournful tears,
And all my solemn days, or years,
In sacred sadness spend;
Instant in strong effectual prayers,
Till death release me from my cares,
And faith in vision end.
For this I in Thy Spirit groan,
Forsaken, comfortless, alone
I would with God abide;
Cut off from man, to Jesus cleave,
And never for a moment leave
My heavenly Bridegroom's side.
Allow, dear Lord, the widow's plea,
And oh! shut up my soul with Thee,
Against the nuptial feast;
Make ready for that glorious day,
And then Thy spotless bride convey
To Thine eternal rest.



Hymn 2.

[Let heathens murmur and complain]

Let heathens murmur and complain,
I rest me here, it is the Lord
Calls for my heart's desire again;
His will be done, His name adored!
Who first the precious blessing lent,
He justly hath resumed His own,
I yield him back with full consent:
Thy name be praised, Thy will be done.
Thy mercy in the stroke I see,
Enter into my God's design,
From every fond engagement free,
Thou wouldst my heart should all be Thine.
Thou wouldst that I from man should cease,
Thou hast my earthly lord removed,
That all my soul might Thee confess
My only, as my best beloved.
Thy will I cheerfully obey,
From every creature-good retreat;
And desolate delight to stay
An happy mourner at Thy feet.
Devoted to my God below,
My all of bliss in Thee I have,
No other love resolved to know,
No other bride-bed but the grave.


Hymn 3.

[Happy state of widowhood!]

Happy state of widowhood!
State of us that mourn to God,
Who from all our comforts torn,
Only live to pray and mourn.


Meanest of the number I
For my old companion sigh,
Patiently my loss deplore,
Weep for one who weeps no more.
Me my consort hath outrun,
Out of sight he now is gone,
He his course hath finish'd here,
First come to the sepulchre.
Following on with earnest haste,
Till my mourning days are past,
I my partner's steps pursue,
I shall soon be happy too;
Find the ease for which I pant
Gain the only good I want,
Quietly lay down my head,
Sink into my earthen bed.
There my flesh shall rest in hope,
Till the quicken'd dust fly up,
Till to glorious life I rise,
Meet my husband in the skies.


Hymn 4.

[Thou, Lord, who hast ravish'd away]

Thou, Lord, who hast ravish'd away
The joy of mine eyes with a stroke,
To Thee in my trouble I pray,
To Thee for my comfort I look;
No help upon earth can I see,
And deeply disconsolate mourn,
The world is a desert to me,
Till Jesus, and Eden return.


Thy favour alone can supply
The place of all other relief,
The pity that drops from Thine eye
Assuages and quiets my grief:
A widow in want and distress,
If Thee my Defender I prove,
I sweetly recover my peace,
And calmly rejoice in Thy love.
Now therefore a spirit receive,
Resolved upon Thee to depend,
And wholly to Thee let me live,
My only unchangeable Friend:
Preserve me a widow indeed,
Till call'd to my lasting abode,
From sorrow eternally freed,
And rapt to the bosom of God.


Hymn 5.

[Weep, ye common mourners, weep]

Weep, ye common mourners, weep,
Tell aloud your shallow woe,
Silent all my griefs, and deep
In an even current flow,
Till they reach the peaceful sea,
Lost in calm eternity.
Wisely let me mourn my dead,
Live according to his will,
In the Saviour's footsteps tread,
All my calling's works fulfil,
Act through life the decent part,
Give to God my broken heart.


Happy soul! what wills he now?
(God and he desire the same)
Wills he I should set my brow,
Glory in my Master's shame,
Him with simple faith confess,
Stand with Jesus' witnesses!
Would he I should closer cleave
To the souls that cleave to God?
Still into my heart receive
All who know the' atoning blood,
Only in the saints delight,
Walk with Christ and them in white?
Teach me, O my Guide, my Friend,
Heavenly Counsellor Divine,
To Thy secret purpose bend
This obedient heart of mine,
Make Thine utmost pleasure known,
All Thy will on me be done.
Lead me into every deed
Which for me Thou hast prepared,
Me with all Thy children lead
To my infinite reward,
To my friend that waits above,
To my throne of glorious love.


Hymn 6.

[Thou very present Aid]

Thou very present Aid
In suffering and distress,
The soul, which still on Thee is stay'd,
Is kept in perfect peace;


The soul by faith reclined
On his Redeemer's breast,
'Midst raging storms exults to find
An everlasting rest.
Sorrow and fear are gone,
Whene'er Thy face appears,
It stills the sighing orphan's moan,
And dries the widow's tears;
It hallows every cross,
It sweetly comforts me,
And makes me now forget my loss,
And lose myself in Thee.
Peace to the troubled heart,
Health to the sin-sick mind;
The wounded spirit's balm Thou art,
The Healer of mankind:
In deep affliction bless'd
With Thee I mount above,
And sing, triumphantly distress'd,
Thine all-sufficient love.
Jesus, to whom I fly,
Doth all my wishes fill,
In vain the creature-streams are dry,
I have the Fountain still.
Stripp'd of my earthly friends,
I find them all in One,
And peace, and joy, that never ends,
And heaven, in Christ alone!



Hymn 7.

[O my tender-hearted Lord]

O my tender-hearted Lord,
How shall I Thy grace commend!
True I find Thee to Thy word,
Thee I find the widow's Friend;
Nearest in our greatest need,
Present at Thy mourner's call,
Thou, O God, art Love indeed,
Thou, O Christ, art all in all.
Of my earthly all bereaved,
Thou hast call'd, and look'd on me,
Me, alas, in spirit grieved,
Me o'erwhelm'd with misery,
By my other self forsook,
Poor, disconsolate, distress'd,
Thou into Thine arms hast took,
Made me on Thy bosom rest.
Shall I then my state bemoan,
Mournful state of widowhood?
Can I call myself alone,
Happy, happy in my God!
Long with stormy troubles toss'd,
I have now my port obtain'd,
Have an earthly husband lost,
Have an heavenly Husband gain'd.
Join'd to me my Maker is,
With me still my Lord shall stay,
Keep the covenant of peace,
Peace, which none can take away:


Never shall Thy truth depart,
Never shall Thy grace remove,
Thou hast clasp'd me to Thine heart,
Loved with an eternal love.


Hymn 8.

[Happy we who trust in Jesus!]

Happy we who trust in Jesus!
Jesus turns our loss to gain:
Still His balmy mercies ease us,
Sweeten all our grief and pain:
When He calls our friends to' inherit
All the glories of the bless'd,
He assures the widow'd spirit
Thou shalt quickly be at rest.
For their dead, the heathen mourning
No relief like this can have,
Hopeless of their late returning
From the all-devouring grave:
But the God of consolation
Whispers better things to me,
I shall share the full salvation,
I the church above shall see.
Though my flesh and spirit languish,
Can I of my lot complain!
Sure at last to' outlive the anguish,
Sure to find my friend again:
Ransom'd from a world of sorrow,
He to-day is taken home,
I shall be released to-morrow;
Come, my full Redeemer, come!


In the kingdom of Thy patience
Well Thou know'st I daily die;
Out of mighty tribulations
Take me up to rest on high;
From my sanctified distresses
Now, or when Thou wilt, retrieve;
Grant me but in Thine embraces
After all my deaths to live.


Hymn 9.

[Hail holy, holy, holy Lord]

Hail holy, holy, holy Lord,
Mysterious Three in One,
For ever be Thy name adored,
Thy will for ever done!
For this alone on earth I wait,
To glorify my God;
Admitted to the high estate
Of sacred widowhood.
O may I in Thy strength fulfil
My awful character;
And prove Thine acceptable will,
And do Thy pleasure here:
The children unto Thee restore,
Whom Thou to me hast given,
And rule my house with all my power,
And train them up for heaven.
Be this my hospitable care,
The stranger to receive,
The burden of Thy church to bear,
And all their wants relieve;


My labour of unwearied love
With pleasure to repeat,
My faith upon Thy saints approve,
And gladly wash their feet.
The servant of Thy servants bless
With active earnest zeal,
And every work of righteousness
I shall with joy fulfil:
Mix'd with their guardian angels tend
The heirs of glorious grace;
And still like them to heaven ascend,
And still behold Thy face.
Happy might I the grace receive
Which Thy true widows share,
With God in close communion live
A life of faith and prayer;
In Thee my only Friend confide,
Delightfully alone,
And desolate in prayer abide
Till all my course is run.
Surely I now rely on Thee,
Within Thine arms I am,
And trust the glorious face to see
Of my triumphant Lamb.
I know the prayer of faith is heard,
I feel the answer given,
And haste, by holiness prepared,
To meet my Lord in heaven.



Hymn 10.

[My ever-living Lord]

My ever-living Lord,
Thy faithfulness I own,
Call'd by Thy providence and word
To trust on Thee alone,
My faith by works to show,
And still on Thee to call,
And witness, as to heaven I go,
That God is all in all.
Already, Lord, I feel
Thou hast my loss repair'd,
With Thee I now in Eden dwell,
And wait my full reward;
My joy, my portion, Thou
Hast knit my heart to Thee;
My Maker is my Husband now,
And shall for ever be.
I dare in Thee confide,
I in Thy mercies rest,
Thou wilt not let me leave Thy side,
Or wander from Thy breast:
Beyond the reach of sin,
The world, and hell's alarms,
Thy love shall keep me safe within
Its everlasting arms.
Long as on earth I stay,
It shall be all my care
With Thee to wrestle night and day
In never-ceasing prayer;


My life, like Anna, I
Will in Thy temple spend,
Till taken to the church on high,
Where prayer in praise shall end.


Hymn 11.

[Thanks be to God alone]

Thanks be to God alone
Who comforts the distress'd!
His faithful word I own,
Which speaks the mourner bless'd:
A daughter of affliction, I
On Jesus cast my care,
And for my native country sigh,
And for my kindred there.
My company is gone
Over the stream before,
And lo! I hasten on
To yon eternal shore:
That happy sharer of my heart
I there again shall find,
Where time and death can never part
The souls in Jesus join'd.
I quickly shall o'ertake
My dear departed friend,
Received for Jesus' sake
To joys that never end:
Even now I taste the blessed hope
Through Jesu's passion given,
It swallows all my sorrows up,
And turns this earth to heaven.


Whom next to God I love,
He beckons me away,
To solemnize above
Our second bridal day:
I come, my longing soul replies,
To Jesu's arms I come,
And force my passage to the skies,
And fly triumphant home.


Hymn 12.

[Rise, my soul, the dawn appears]

Rise, my soul, the dawn appears
Of that eternal day!
Quit in hope the vale of tears,
And mount, and soar away!
Darting through this lower air,
Quick as a seraphic flame,
Rise, the marriage-feast to share,
The marriage of the Lamb.
In the wedding-garb of love
By heavenly pity dress'd,
I shall soon sit down above
At that celestial feast;
To my elder brethren join'd,
I shall there my partner see,
In the arms of Jesus find
The soul that twinn'd with me.
There we shall with transport meet,
And see our Saviour's face,
Moses', Jesu's song repeat,
In ecstasy of praise:


Bright as His our bodies are,
Like the Head the members shine,
All our open foreheads bear
The glorious stamp Divine.
With the High and Lofty One
We dwell in bliss supreme,
Share the pleasures of His throne,
And taste the crystal stream,
Banquet on angelic food,
Father, Son, and Spirit know,
Drink the joys that flow from God,
And shall for ever flow.


Hymn 13.

[All worship and praise Are Jesus's due]

All worship and praise Are Jesus's due,
So plenteous in grace, So faithful and true!
In great tribulation His fulness I prove,
His strength of salvation, His riches of love.
As sorrowful I, Yet always rejoice,
My Lord is so nigh, So charming His voice:
He whispers, and fills me With comfort and peace,
And keeps, till He seals me Eternally His.
Afflicted and grieved, Forlorn and distress'd,
He kindly received, And lull'd me to rest:
He will not forsake me, My heavenly Head,
But tarry, and make me A widow indeed.
Betroth'd to the Son Of God, I abide,
Till Jesus come down And challenge His bride,
To all His salvation With triumph receive,
In full consummation Of glory to live.



Hymn 14.

[Rest, my troubled spirit, rest]

Rest, my troubled spirit, rest,
So long with tempests toss'd!
God hath caught him to His breast,
Hath found whom I have lost;
Lost as for a moment's space,
Till I after him repair,
To that happy, happy place,
And claim my husband there.
Can a true believer doubt
If souls each other know?
Surely I shall find him out
Whom most I prized below:
Later, but at last, removed
I shall then my wish obtain,
Meet him with my best-Beloved,
And never part again.
Happy both, no matter then
Which of us went before,
Both at Jesu's side are seen,
And live to die no more.
Both our golden harps employ,
Vocal with our Saviour's name,
Both the blissful sight enjoy,
The presence of the Lamb.
Who can tell the solid bliss
Which in this hope I prove!
We shall see Him as He is
The glorious God of love,


We shall sink with all His host;
All that know the' atoning blood,
Sink, o'erwhelm'd, o'erpower'd, and lost,
And swallow'd up in God.


Hymn 15.

[Who is this, that now comes up]

Who is this, that now comes up
Out of the wilderness,
Leaning on her Strength, her Hope,
Her darling Prince of Peace!
On her Lord and Well-beloved
Sweetly she delights to rest:
Never shall she be removed,
Who leans on Jesus' breast.
See that happy soul in me
By faith on Christ reclined!
Rest from all my misery
In Jesus' love I find:
I a desolate mourner was,
Wander'd earth's wide desert o'er,
Till I found Him on the cross,
And now I weep no more.
Me He call'd, a woman grieved,
A wife in youth forsook,
Kindly all my wants relieved,
And all my burdens took:
Me He call'd His love, His bride,
“See, thine heavenly Husband see,
I am by My Father's side,
And thou shalt sit by Me.


True, and faithful is my Lord,
Infallible my hope,
Lo! I hang upon His word,
Till Jesus take me up:
Come, His loving Spirit cries
Hastening on the joyful day,
Come, the longing bride replies,
My Jesus, come away!


Hymn 16.

[Come, ye real widows, come]

Come, ye real widows, come,
All that seek your heavenly home,
All who now with griefs oppress'd
Languish for eternal rest;
Cast away your anxious care,
For the nuptial day prepare,
Strong in hope's assurance rise,
Meet the Bridegroom in the skies.
Lo! He in the clouds descends,
Girt about with heavenly friends,
David's everlasting Son,
Sitting on His ivory throne!
See the' imperial banner spread,
Flaming with a crimson red,
To the well-known ensign flow,
To the cross ye bore below.
Where are Jesu's witnesses,
Those who dared their Lord confess!
Jesus knows, and calls them forth,
Openly declares their worth;


These My faithful servants were,
Gloried My reproach to bear,
Bearers of the bloody tree,
Treated in the world like Me.
These are they that own'd My name,
Triumph'd in their Master's shame,
Gladly counted all things loss,
Nobly suffer'd for My cause:
Scorn'd of all, they kept My word,
Fools and madmen for their Lord,
Firm against a world they stood,
Strove resisting unto blood.
Angels all, the men behold,
Purchased and redeem'd of old,
Once My confessors beneath,
True, and faithful unto death!
Cover'd o'er with glorious scars,
Each the bleeding token bears,
Each displays the Shepherd's sign—
Father, see! they all are Mine!
Come ye, then, My servants dear,
Find your happy mansions here,
Come ye of My Father blest,
Celebrate the marriage feast,
Take your infinite reward,
From eternity prepared,
All your heavenly joy receive,
Kings with Me for ever live!



Hymn 17.

[Where shall I rest my weary head]

Where shall I rest my weary head,
Where shall I find assured relief?
Deserted at my greatest need,
Consign'd to solitary grief,
No kind companion nigh, with whom
To weep, and wait till comfort come!
Mine eyes' and heart's desire is gone,
And now no more my burden shares;
I mourn unpitied and alone,
I bear my complement of cares,
I sink beneath the' unequal load,
I faint—into the arms of God.
His everlasting arms receive
The mourner in her last distress,
He tells me, “I for ever live,
In Me, thy Lord, thou shalt have peace,
Be of good cheer, My mourner thou,
Thy Maker is thy Husband now.”
I hear, I feel the balmy word,
And turn again unto my rest;
I bless my all-sufficient Lord,
I lean on my Redeemer's breast,
And smile at dissolution near,
And joyful drop the needless tear.
My mourning days shall quickly end,
And time commence eternity;
My spotless soul shall soon ascend,
And face to face its Saviour see,
While not one plaintive groan or sigh
Is heard in all the joyous sky.


Amidst the storms of life I stand
Unshaken on the rock of peace,
Till caught up to that heavenly land,
I see my Jesus as He is,
And sing, with all our glorious friends,
The marriage song that never ends.


Hymn 18.

[Jesus, my strength, my peace]

Jesus, my strength, my peace,
My refuge in distress,
Now incline Thy gracious ear,
Now regard a mourner's call,
Now in my behalf appear,
Show Thyself my God, my all.
Thou only canst relieve
And comfort them that grieve:
Turn my misery into bliss,
Of my earthly all bereft
Bid me acquiesce in this,
Happy still, that God is left.
From all of woman born
May I to Jesus turn,
Fairer than the sons of men
Thee my happy All I see;
Fulness of delight obtain,
Happiness complete in Thee.
Of Thee alone possess'd
I am, I must be, bless'd;
Author, sum of my desires,
None but Christ Thou hear'st me cry,
None but Christ my heart requires,
None but Christ in earth or sky.


Above the reach of care
My quiet spirit bear,
Bear me on Thine eagle wings
To those happy realms above,
Where my old companion sings,
High enthroned in glorious love.
Nor would I him o'ertake,
Or see but for Thy sake:
Thou my vast, my sole reward,
For Thy only love I care,
Heaven is hell without my Lord,
Hell is heaven, if Thou art there!


Hymn 19.

Give glory to Jesus our Head,
With all that encompass His throne!
A widow, a widow indeed,
A mother in Israel is gone:
The winter of trouble is past,
The storms of affliction are o'er,
Her struggle is ended at last,
And sorrow and death are no more.
The soul hath o'ertaken her mate,
And caught him again in the sky,
Advanced to her happy estate,
And pleasure that never shall die,
Where glorified spirits by sight
Converse in their holy abode,
As stars in the firmament bright,
And pure as the angels of God.


Inflamed with seraphical love,
Combined in a manner unknown,
Not given in marriage above,
Or given to Jesus alone,
The just, who admitted by grace
That first resurrection attain,
With rapture each other embrace,
And one with the Deity reign.
O heaven! what a triumph is there,
While all in His praises agree,
His beautiful character bear,
And shine with the glory they see!
The glory of God and the Lamb
(While all in the ecstasy join)
Darts into their spiritual frame,
And gives the enjoyment Divine.
In loud hallelujahs they sing,
And harmony echoes His praise,
When lo! the celestial King
Pours out the full light of His face!
The joy neither angel nor saint
Can bear so ineffably great,
But see! the whole company faint,
And heaven is found—at His feet!


Hymn 20.

Happy soul, enjoy thy gain,
Thy greatest gain to die,
From our vale of grief, and pain,
Removed to worlds on high,


Thou the glorious fight hast won,
Ended well the doubtful race,
All the' allotted service done:
Thy works shall speak thy praise.
Ever careful to abound
In fruits of righteousness,
Still thou labour'dst to be found
In God's appointed ways,
Walking on with Christ in white,
Virtues thy companions were,
Praise thy permanent delight,
And all thy business prayer.
True to thy great Master thou,
And zealous for His cause,
Simply didst thy faith avow,
And glory in His cross;
By the loving Spirit led,
By the sayings of thy Lord,
Thou in all His steps didst tread,
And keep His written word.
Long the wily soothing foe
Thy steady virtue tried,
Vainly urged thee to forego,
And cast the means aside,
Worship more refined and pure,
Still the silent tempter show'd,
Still thy foot stood fast and sure
In the old paths of God.
Never once wast thou betray'd
Into the serpent's snare,
While he labour'd to dissuade
So much of praise and prayer:


“Friend be still, (he softly cried,)
Outward praise your God offends:”
“Friends sing on (thy zeal replied)
The song that never ends.”
Such thy fair example was,
The same in life and death,
Love's sweet task, and prayer, and praise
Employ'd thy latest breath.
Prompt to succour the distress'd,
Glad the tempted soul to cheer,
Pity moved thy dying breast,
And dropp'd thy latest tear.
Thou in Jesu's words and ways
Exhortedst us to' abide,
Witness of the perfect grace,
And wholly sanctified:
All His promises fulfill'd,
All His gifts to thee were given,
Pardon'd here, renew'd, and seal'd,
And fully ripe for heaven.
Pure into the hands of God
Thou didst thy soul resign,
Fitted for that high abode,
And fellowship Divine:
Oh! how sweet thy parting word,
Last of all thou spak'st below,
“Keep me, keep me, dearest Lord.
And never let me go!”



Hymn 21.

[Ye happy souls, no longer toss'd]

Ye happy souls, no longer toss'd,
Like us on life's tempestuous sea,
Who cannot now be shipwreck'd, lost,
Safe landed in eternity,
Are mortals banish'd from your mind,
Or think ye of your friends behind?
Released from all your wants and cares,
What commerce can ye have with men?
Ye need not now our useless prayers;
Nor will we ask your succour vain,
One only Advocate we own,
And trust in Jesu's help alone.
Yet (for He bids us keep in view
Your active faith, and patient hope)
As ye your Lord, we follow you,
And wait for Him to take us up,
Our closest fellowship to' improve,
Our fellowship with saints above.
Till then we hold your memory dear,
Which now relieves our drooping heart:
Like us ye mourn'd and suffer'd here,
Like us ye languish'd to depart,
And labour'd on with painful strife,
And dragg'd the heavy load of life.
The world cast out your name like ours,
And counted you not fit to live:
Exposed to all the' infernal powers,
Ye dared your Master's lot receive,
Beneath His cross rejoiced to bow,
And drank the cup we drink of now.


Tempted, detain'd in sore distress,
With all our fiery trials tried,
Lost in this howling wilderness,
Troubled, perplex'd on every side,
Ye pray'd—in groans at Jesu's stay,
And still complain'd—ye could not pray.
Ye felt the cruel torturing fear
Which now our soul asunder saws,
The doubt ye should not persevere,
But scandalize the Saviour's cause,
Disgrace, and shame the friends of God,
And fall, and perish in your blood.
Men of like passions once ye were
With us, who still ourselves bemoan;
This inbred sin ye groan'd to bear,
And hoped relief from death alone,
As death alone could purge the stain,
And Christ had shed His blood in vain.
But, oh! your evil day is past,
Accomplish'd is your warfare here,
And more than conquerors at last
Our sad desponding hearts ye cheer,
Ye bid us still your steps pursue,
And we shall more than conquer too.
Encompass'd with so great a cloud
Of witnesses, who speak though dead,
We cast aside our every load,
And follow where our Lord hath led,
With patience run the' appointed race,
And die to see His glorious face.