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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Page 382.1-383


Off-Street Parking.

§ 20-1. Where off-street parking spaces required.

§ 20-2. Area exempt from requirements of chapter.

§ 20-3. Number of off-street parking spaces required.

§ 20-4. Off-street loading spaces and parking spaces for vehicles used
in operation of business.

§ 20-5. Meaning of "adjacent area of land".

§ 20-6. Spaces within buildings, in basements or on roofs.

§ 20-7. Land or building used for two or more purposes.

§ 20-8. Rules for computing required spaces.

§ 20-9. Changes in buildings or uses.

§ 20-10. Designs and plans; appeals.

§ 20-11. Separation from sidewalk, etc.; marking spaces; directional

§ 20-12. Drainage; resistance to erosion.

§ 20-13. Aisles; entrance and exit driveways.

§ 20-14. Access to street or alley; dimensions of spaces; setback.

§ 20-15. Lighting.

Sec. 20-1. Where off-street parking spaces required.

Off-street automobile and vehicular storage or parking
spaces shall be provided on any lot or adjacent area of land
within the city, except within the area defined in section 20-2,
on which any building may hereafter be erected or changed
in use, except as hereinafter provided. (Code 1959, § 20-1.)

Sec. 20-2. Area exempt from requirements of chapter.

The following area within the city is exempt and excluded
from the requirements of this chapter:

No Page Number


Page 383

Sec. 19-91. Penalty — Generally; subsequent offenses; prior

Any person violating any provision of section 19-88 shall,
upon conviction thereof, be punished, for a first offense by a
fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one
thousand dollars, or by confinement in jail for not less than
one month nor more than six months, either or both, in the
discretion of the jury or the court trying the case without a
jury. Any person convicted within any period of ten years of
a second or other subsequent offense under section 19-88, or
convicted of a first offense under section 19-88, after having
been convicted within a period of ten years prior thereto of an
offense under former section 18-39[353] , shall be punishable by
a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one
thousand dollars and by confinement in jail for not less than
one month nor more than one year. For the purposes of this
section, a conviction or finding of not innocent in the case of a
juvenile under the provisions of section 19-88, former section
18-39, the ordinance of any county, city or town in this state
or the laws of any other state substantially similar to the provisions
of sections 18.1-5 through 18.1-57 of the Code of Virginia,
shall be considered a prior conviction. (7-20-64.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 18.1-58.


Editor's note.—Prior to July 20, 1964, the material presently set
out in section 19-88 was codified in section 18-39 of the 1959 City Code.

Sec. 19-92. Same—Forfeiture of right to drive; suspension of

The judgment of conviction, or finding of not innocent in
the case of a juvenile, if for a first offense under section 1988,
shall of itself operate to deprive the person so convicted
or found not innocent of the right to drive or operate any such
vehicle, conveyance, engine or train in this state for a period
of one year from the date of such judgment, and if for a
second or other subsequent offense within ten years thereof,
for a period of three years from the date of the judgment of
conviction or finding of not innocent thereof, any such period
in either case to run consecutively with any period of suspension
for failure to permit a blood sample to be taken as
required by section 19-89. If any person has heretofore been


Page 384
convicted or found not innocent of violating any similar act
of this state and thereafter is convicted or found not innocent
of violating the provisions of section 19-88, such conviction or
finding shall, for the purpose of this section and section 19-91,
be a subsequent offense and shall be punished accordingly;
and the court may, in its discretion, suspend the sentence
during the good behavior of the person convicted or found not
innocent. (7-20-64.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 18.1-59.