University of Virginia Library


PALACE, NAPLES. High Steward. Chamberlain. Chancellor. Durazzo.
Wary and slow is this our chancellor,
Where title-deeds are fluttering in suspense;
The perill'd life and honour of his queen


He passes as he would a wretch in chains
On the road-side, saying, So! there thou art!

Lord High Steward.
We want such men's religion, their sound sense,
Coolness, deliberation, ponderous front,
Broad and dark eyebrow. Much of dignity,
Reverence and awe, build on these crags alone.

Lord Chamberlain.
Ye have them all in one. I hear his foot:
The king steps lighter: both advance.

Lord High Steward.
Who come
Behind? for there are many.

(Durazzo, Chancellor, Counsellors, enter.)
Take your seats.
Gentlemen! ye have heard with indignation
The rash attempt against my peace and yours,
Made by the Suabian, husband of Giovanna.

Lord Chamberlain.
We hear, by Heaven's protection of your Highness,
It fail'd.

Lord High Steward.
And that he fell in the attempt.

Desperate, he cut his way, tho' wounded, thro'
My bravest troops, but could not force the gate;
Horsemen are weak at walls nine fathoms high;
He had scarce twenty with him.

There he paid
His forfeit life, declared already traitor.

On this we are not met, but to deliberate
On the state's safety. My lord chancellor,
Is the queen guilty?

We must try her first,
Privately; then decide.

Yea, privately;
So pleaseth me. Take then your secretaries
And question her; decorously, humanely.