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Come, gentle death, release my struggling soul
From those dull fetters which her flight controul!
Less eagerly the hireling waits the close
Of the long, tedious day, to find repose.
A pilgrim here in this detested clime,
I rove and sigh away the ling'ring time.
O come, thou wish'd for messenger of peace!
The pris'ner longs not more for a release;
The wretch that under painful bondage groans,
With less concern his misery bemoans.
How shall I bless the hour that sets me free,
And gives my soul her native liberty!
With eager joy I'd bid the world adieu,
And with contempt its parting glories view;
To mortal vanities I'd close mine eyes,
Led on by sacred love I'd upward rise,
And in a moment reach the blissful skies.