University of Virginia Library

Thanksgivings for the Body.—I.

While I, O Lord, exalted by thy hand,
Above the Skies in Glory seem to stand:
The Skies being made to serve me, as they do,
While I thy Glories in thy Goodness view.
To be in Glory higher than the Skies,
Is greater bliss, than 'tis in place to rise
Above the Stars: More blessed and divine,
To live and see, than like the Sun to shine.
O what Profoundness in my Body lies,
For whom the Earth was made, the Sea, the Skies!
So greatly high our humane Bodies are,
That Angels scarcely may with these compare.
In all the heights of Glory seated, they,
Above the Sun in thine eternal day,
Are seen to shine; with greater gifts adorn'd
Than Gold with Light, or Flesh with Life suborn'd
Suns are but Servants! Skies beneath their feet;
The Stars but Stones; Moons but to serve them meet.
Beyond all heights above the World they reign,
In thy great Throne ordained to remain.
All Tropes are Clouds; Truth doth it self excel,
Whatever Heights, Hyperboles can tell.