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East-Angles Lights.

When Sigberect King of East-Angles were
Baptizd in France and sought his people t'bring
To Christ, then Felix a Burgundee there
Came and the Roman Vizzar brough[t] with him
Did vaile their Churches with, as they came in.
But these relapsing back King Oswy sent
Bernician Bishop Ced with others more
Who them reduc'de, and Dhurches gatherd, lent
A lift to Temples, gave the Sacrament.
This did at Ithancester and Tibiburgh
And for unlawfull marriage did expell
An Earle the Church, when Sigberecht his Spur
Would not restrain from judgmen[t] rang his bell
When feasting with him down he murdred fell.
After Jarumans reformation came
One Boniface. Theodore after him.
Then Baldwin halfe, the rest did Bisy gain
The Synod held at Hereford doth bring
His name among the rest that were therein.