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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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[Oh! Doe not warrant Sin in your Applause.]


Oh! Doe not warrant Sin in your Applause.
Indeed, I saw your Heart;
And you abhorred the Face on't. Her witt was
Beyond a woman's part;
You hardlie had an Art
To keepe backe blushes, Conscious in her Cause.


Fye! doe not Say you love that Spirrit in
The Sex; your heart saies noe;
You cannot valuet as a Common Sin;
It is a monster; though
You would a vizard throw
Vpon such Gestures, as more Masculine.



What Man but hates a woman bold and proud?
The vertues which beseeme
That Sex, and makes the few good, that are good;
Are Silence, Disesteeme
Of their owne witt, in them;
And Modestie, where All is vnderstoode.


Such Petulancies as you would Contend
Are pittifull; more then
Prais-meriting (alas!) and you discend
Below your Iudgement, when
You did applaud it. Men
Sometimes praise ill, where reproofe will not mend.
Oh! Doe not Flatter Her, to her owne Sence;
Custome will make her Errors Impudence.