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At an extraordinary Courte helde for Virginia ye 2th Iulij 1621

At an extraordinary Courte helde for Virginia
ye 2th Iulij


Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Wroth.  mr Iohn Smith. 
Sr Edwin Lawley.  mr Gibbs.  mr Iohn Bland. 
mr Deputy.  mr Wrote.  Captaine Bargraue. 
mr George Sandys. 

Wheras itt was agreed and ordered by the former Courte yt for somuch
as the Company were not able to p̱forme the bargaine made wth the
Glasse men without bringinge themselvs into Debt (wch my Lord of
Southampton did not desire) and had often given Caution hereof to
the Compa: That therfore they should be turned ouer to mr George
Sandys Treasurer of Virginia for a certaine time in lieue of those hee
should have hadd for his place att the Companies charge vntill a val-
uable considerac̃on might be given him for them by the Company,
yett haveinge now againe taken the same into considerac̃on and find-
inge itt may proue a matter distastfull to many, that a Bargaine of
this nature should be translated from the Company to one mans pry-
vate vse and benefitt (wch Act allso was found to contradicte an order
of a great Quarter Courte held the 13th of Ivne last) Itt was therfore
thought fitt and is now agreed and ordered (and that wth the consent


and good likinge of mr Georg Sandys who said that hee desyred them
not to preiudice the Company, butt to sett the said worke a foote that
was like to fall for want of means) that the Company should againe
entertaine the Bargaine into their hands though they did some what
bringe themselvs in debte for the same, and that mr George Sandys
should have his men taken of the publique in Virginia who should be
furnished from hence with apparrell, and other necessaries in as good
manner as any other of the Companies Tennantℯ, wch Course was well
approved of by the Courte.
The bargaine wth
ye Glasse men en-
tertayned againe
by ye Company.

Captaine Bargraue moved yt the Compa: would please to appoynte
some to take hearinge of the differences between him and Captaine
Martin, (Wittnesses haveinge been alredie examyned on either side
and certified as would appeare) to thend they might be accorded with-
out longer delay or farther sute. Whervppon the Courte thought fitt
that some five of the Counsell should be entreated to meet on ffryday
morninge next att mr Ferrarℯ house to heare and determyne the same
if they cann or otherwise to make reporte how the cause stands
between them, and in whome ye default is that an agreement cannot be made. [248]

5 of ye Counsell to
determine ye dif-
ferences betweene
Capt Bargraue and
Capt Martin

mr Thomas Iadwin moved that wheras Thomas Woodliffe stands
indebted vnto him (§as§ by bond dated the 8: of Iuly may appeare)
in the some of 20li for Comodities lent him then att his goinge ouer to
Virginia wch should have been paid in Ivne followinge, that for soe
much as the saide Woodliffe is now dead and hath lefte a sufficient
estate to discharge his Debtℯ that therfore the Court would please to
give order to ye Gou9nor to take some course that hee may be sattisfied
for the saide Debt out of the p̱sonall Estate of the said Woodliffe wch
moc̃on the Court conceaving to be verie reasonable ordered that direc-
c̃on should be given to ye Gouernor to see that right be done

mr Tho: Iadwinℯ
moc̃on thought
Very reasonable

Mr Deputy signified of a letter hee had receaved from mr Gookin of
Ireland who desyred yt a Clause in the Contract between him and the
Company touchinge Cattle wch hee had vndertaken to transport to
Virginia after the rate of eleven pounds the Heiffer and Shee Goatℯ


att 3li: 10s apeec for wch hee might take any Comodities in Virginia att
such prizes as the Company here had sett downe hee desired yt those
words might be more Cleerly explayned; And to this effect mr Deputy
signified yt they had drawne a letter in the name of the Counsell and
Company vnto mr Gookin declaringe that their intent and meaninge
was itt should be lawfull and ffree for him and his ffactors to Trade
barter and sell all such Comodities hee shall carry thither att such
rates and prizes as hee shall thinke good and for his Cattle shall receive
either of the Gouernor or other pryvate p̱sonns any of the Comodities
there growinge att such prizes as hee cann agree; And lastly yt accord-
inge to mr Gookins request in his said ɫre they had promised yt hee
should have a Pattent for a p̱ticularr Plantac̃on as large as yt graunted
to Sr William Newce and should allso have liberty to take 100 Hoggs
out of the fforrest vppon condic̃on that hee repay the said nomber
againe vnto the Company within the tearme of seaven years; Pro-
vided that hee vse them for breed and encrease and not for present
A L̃re: from mr
A L̃re written to
mr Gookin.

And further to this effect they had allso drawne a letter to the Gouer-
nor and Counsell of State in Virginia both wch beinge now p̢sented
and read the Court did very well approue of and gave order that the
Seale of the Counsell should be affixed to that addressed to mr Gookin
and that some of ye Counsell should signe the other to the Counsell of
Virginia. [249]

A L̃re written to
ye Gouernorr &
Counsell of Vir-
ginia to this effect

Itt was signified yt one mr Kettleby made offer to goe att his owne
charge to Virginia vppon a Discouery now att the first with an intent
there to settle and plant himselfe; for wch cause hee desired to be
recomended to the Gou9nor; wch moc̃on the Courte conceauinge to be
verie reasonable did willinglie condiscend there vnto.

mr Kettlebie to be
recomended to ye

Lastly itt was moved and thought fitt that some of the Counsell
appointed would please to meet vppon this next Thursday in the after-
noone att mr Ferrars howse about the Gouernors Instrucc̃ons.

Some of ye Coun-
sell to meete
aboute ye Gouern-
ors Instruc̃: