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Hymn 35.

[Let all in Thy great praise agree]

Let all in Thy great praise agree,
O Saviour of mankind,
Our Saviour to the utmost Thee
We soon expect to find.
Saviour from sin we Thee receive,
From all indwelling sin;
Thy blood, we steadfastly believe,
Shall make us pure within.
We cannot rest in sin subdued,
Or look for endless wars;
We shall be conquerors through Thy blood,
And more than conquerors.
Let others plead for sin's remains,
Their dear, inbeing sin,
If all Thy blood can wash our stains,
We shall be throughly clean.
We dare avow the gospel hope,
And wait the truth to prove,
After Thy likeness to wake up,
Renew'd in sinless love.