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Hymn 28.

[Jesus, in Thine all-saving name]

“As many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name.” —John i. 12.

Jesus, in Thine all-saving name
We steadfastly believe,
And lo! the promised power we claim,
Which Thou art bound to give:
Power to become the sons of God,
An all-sufficient power,
We look to have on us bestow'd
A power to sin no more.
We yield to be redeem'd from sin,
The life Divine to live,
Open our hearts to take Thee in,
And all Thy grace receive.
Thee we receive as God and man,
Both in One Person join'd,
To finish the redeeming plan,
To rescue all mankind.


On both Thy natures we rely,
Neither can save alone;
The God could not for sinners die,
The man could not atone.
The merit of a suffering God
Hath bought our perfect peace,
It stamp'd the value on that blood
Which sign'd our soul's release.
Thy precious blood hath wash'd away
The universal sin;
And every child of Adam may
Have all Thy life brought in.
Thy office is to teach, and bless,
To' atone, and sanctify;
Ready the Spirit of Thy grace
Thy merits to apply.
To Thee, O Christ, the praise we give,
Thy threefold function sing,
The Lord's Anointed One receive,
Our Prophet, Priest, and King.
Thou, only Thou, our wisdom art,
Our strength and righteousness;
Sprinkle, inform, and rule our heart,
Victorious Prince of Peace.
Foolish, we come to learn of Thee,
Guilty, to be forgiven;
Poor, sinful worms to be made free
From sin, and fit for heaven.
Teach us the perfect will of God,
For us, and in us pray;
Wash us in Thine all-cleansing blood;
Thy kingly power display.


Thy kingly power in us exert,
Our rebel heart subdue;
More than subdue our rebel heart,
Thine utmost virtue show.
Show us Thy sanctifying grace,
And take our sin away;
Its being utterly erase,
All, all its relics slay.
Jesu, we in Thy name believe,
Which fiends and men deny,
To them we dare not credit give
Who give our God the lie.
Jesus, the power of Jesu's name
Our sinless souls shall feel;
Lord, we believe Thee still the same,
An utmost Saviour still.
Thou wilt to us Thy name impart,
Thou bear'st it not in vain:
What Thou art call'd Thou surely art,
Saviour of sinful man.
Into Thy name, Thy nature, we
Assuredly believe,
Jesus from sin, Thee, only Thee
Our Jesus we receive.
Our Jesus Thou from future woe,
From present wrath Divine,
Shalt save us from our sins below,
And make our souls like Thine.
Jesus from all the power of sin,
From all the being too,
Thy grace shall make us throughly clean,
And perfectly renew.


Jesus from pride, from wrath, from lust,
Our inward Jesus be,
From every evil thought we trust
To be redeem'd by Thee.
When Thou dost in our flesh appear,
We shall the promise prove,
Saved into all perfection here,
Renew'd in sinless love.
Come, O Thou Prophet, Priest, and King,
Thou Son of God, and man,
Into our souls Thy fulness bring,
Instruct, atone, and reign.
Holy, and pure, as just, and wise,
We would be in Thy right,
Less than Thine all cannot suffice,
We grasp the infinite.
Our Jesus Thee, entire, and whole
With willing heart we take;
Fill ours, and every faithful soul
For Thy own mercy's sake;
We wait to know Thine utmost name,
Thy nature's heavenly powers,
One undivided Christ we claim,
And all Thou art is ours.