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Hymns and Sacred Lyrics

In Three Parts. By Joseph Cottle

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471. Ninth Commandment. “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.”


Truth shines in yonder world of glory,
(Faint emblem'd by the radiant star,)
The Lord of truth is King in Zion,
And all but truth must stand afar
From that bless'd world,
Where God and happy spirits are.


Shall we, unmindful of our Maker,
False witness 'gainst our neighbour bear?
Whom God and nature teach to cherish,
And never to oppress, but spare:
May we henceforth
From falsehood flee, and wrath forbear!



The days of darkness fast are hastening,
When sympathy our hearts will need;
This we shall find, if truth and kindness
Ourselves have shown, in word and deed:
Discord and lies
From hell, their secret source, proceed.


If we, ere this, have wrong'd our neighbour,
Now may we juster ways pursue;
And if our neighbour be transgressor,
Let us, by love, his wrath subdue;
May we look on,
And keep eternal things in view.


Death, healer of a thousand breaches,
May now, with silent step, be near;
Let us no longer wrong our neighbour,
But live in concord, truth revere,
And, at the last,
May we in robes of white appear!