University of Virginia Library



Love shall mount to his throne, my sweet,
Love shall mount to his throne,
Soon, when friends that abide
To say good-bye by our side
Have finally farewell cried,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!
Now you are all my own, my sweet,
Now you are all my own,
But many a kiss must wait
Till we sit by ourselves in our state,
Gone, given up to our fate,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!


Sweet to me now is your tone, my sweet,
Sweet to me now is your tone,
But sweeter far will it be
When, spoken alone to me,
Its silvery notes are free,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!
When we have wings and are flown, my sweet,
When we have wings and are flown,
Joy we will have, you and I,
Soaring aloft in the sky
As twittering twin swallows fly,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!
Pleasant it is to have known, my sweet,
Pleasant it is to have known
Friendship and pressure of hands,
But brighter the bloom that expands
On the spot where Loveliness stands,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!


Pleasant it is to have sown, my sweet,
Pleasant it is to have sown
Seeds of friendship on earth,
Sweeter by far is the birth
Of Beauty's smile, and the mirth
Of lips that are left alone, my sweet,
Of lips that are left alone!
Many a nice old crone, my sweet,
Many a nice old crone
Has a sweet dim sort of a smile,
But the thought of old age is a vile
Thing, a sin, a blasphemy, while
Young lovers are left alone, my sweet,
Young lovers are left alone!
Half of it is not known, my sweet,
Half of it is not known,
Of the happiness that for us waits
When the bars are drawn, and the gates
Closed, and the hubbub abates,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!


Pleasant it is to have known, my sweet,
Pleasant it is to have known
Life and the light of the skies,
But sweeter the sight of the eyes
Of each other, and soft replies,
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!
Pleasant it is to have grown, my sweet,
Pleasant it is to have grown
Into the strength of a man,
But sweeter than shouts in the van
Of the battle the lisp of your fan
Waved when we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!
Pleasant it is to have thrown, my sweet,
Pleasant it is to have thrown
Pallor and pain to the winds,
Quick drawing up the blinds,
Letting in the sun that finds
Us when we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!


Lone are the birds that moan, my sweet,
Lone are the birds that moan,
Twain are the birds that sing
Making woods and the copses ring
Back again with the notes that they fling
When two are left alone, my sweet,
When two are left alone!
Joyful enough to have shown, my sweet,
Joyful enough to have shown
To ourselves some savours of love
Already, but gladness above
What She dreams, the wings of my Dove
Shall anoint once we are alone, my sweet,
Once we are left alone!
Once was a time to groan, my sweet,
Once was a time to groan
When you and I were apart,
Severed the halves of our heart,
These, they shall cease to smart
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!


Had I a heart of stone, my sweet,
Had I a heart of stone,
Surely my heart would melt
At the thought of the joys we felt,
The kisses that each soul dealt
When we were left alone, my sweet,
When we were left alone!
Kisses before were blown, my sweet,
Kisses before were blown
From the end of a finger tip,
But out from the flower of a lip
Sweet kisses each shall sip
When we are left alone, my sweet,
When we are left alone!
Know you the source of the Rhone, my sweet,
Know you the source of the Rhone,
Pure as the skies it goes
Till the Arve and its melted snows
Are joined, and muddy it flows
Henceforth, no longer alone, my sweet,
Being left no longer alone!