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The Whole Works of Homer

Prince of Poetts: In his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke. By Geo: Chapman

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TO THE MOST HONORD, AND Judiciall honorer of retired vertue, Vicount Rochester, &c.
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TO THE MOST HONORD, AND Judiciall honorer of retired vertue, Vicount Rochester, &c.

You that in so great eminence, liue retir'd
(Rare Lord) approue your greatnesse cannot call
Your iudgement from the inward state requir'd
To blaze the outward; which doth neuer fall
In men by chance rais'd, but by merit still.
He seekes not state, that curbs it being found:
VVho seekes it not, neuer comes by it ill;
Nor ill can vse it. Spring then from this ground,
And let thy fruits be fauours done to Good,
As thy Good is adorn'd with royall fauours;
So shall pale Enuie famish with her food;
And thou spread further by thy vaine deprauours.
True Greatnesse cares not to be seene but thus;
And thus, aboue our felues, you honour vs.