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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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A ditie to be sung at nyght when men go to bed.


Syng this as, In sommer time when flowres gan spryng. &c.

Nowe that the day is wasted cleane,
And Phebus dothe hym self absent,
And Hesperus dothe downward leane:
And lurkyng nyght with darknes bent,
Her mantle darke abrode to spreade,
And hyde from vs the welkyn cleare,
The starres also are prepared,
With glystryng lyght nowe to appeare.


Therfore of force we must nedes yelde
In bed to sleape and take our rest:
Forsakyng cleane both strete and field,
And other workes bothe most and least.
Wherfore to Christ now let vs call,
In thys our nede vs to assist,
From drede and feare and dangers all,
Defend our sely soules O Christ.
O Lord defend vs wyth thy grace,
In thys our nede when we do slepe,
Syth we are able at no space,
Ourselues from dangers small to keepe,
O Lord that styll hast wakyng eyes,
And knowst no sleape nor felest nyght,
Our humble sute do not despyse,
But vs defende now by thy myght.
Defende vs wyth thy grace and powre
To helpe our selues syth we ne can,
Nor haue no strength at any howre,
The same to doo so weake is man.
O let thy powre our feblenes,
Wyth helpe of grace this nyght supply,
O way our myserablenes,
And comfort vs wyth thy mercy.
O let vs then with mynde contrit
With prayse and prayer to Iesus,
Lye downe to rest, and so commyt
Our selues to hym that saueth vs.
O Lord forgeue vs all our synne.
And plant true fayth wythin our brest
And after cares that we are in,
Let vs ones tast eternall rest.