University of Virginia Library



Fainter and fainter may fall on my ear
The voice that is sweeter than music to hear;
More and more eagerly then will I list,
That never a word or an accent be missed.
Slower and slower the footstep may grow,
Whose fall is the pleasantest sound that I know;
Quicker and quicker my glad heart shall learn
To catch its faint echo and bless its return.
Whiter and whiter may turn with each day
The locks that so sadly are changing to gray;
Dearer and dearer shall these seem to me,
The fewer and whiter and thinner they be.
Weaker and weaker may be the light clasp
Of the hand that I hold so secure in my grasp;
Stronger and stronger my own to the last
Will cling to it, holding it tenderly fast.
Darker and darker above thee may spread
The clouds of a fate that is hopeless and dread;
Brighter and brighter the sun of my love
Will shine, all the shadows and mists to remove.
Envy and malice thy life may assail,
Favor and fortune and friendship may fail;
But perfect and sure, and undying shall be
The trust of this heart that is centred in thee!