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Oh, my little seaside girl,
What is in your garden growing?
“Rock-weeds and tangle-grass,
With the slow tide coming, going;
Samphire and marsh-rosemary
All along the wet shore creeping;
Sandwort, beach-peas, pimpernel,
Out of nooks and corners peeping.”
Oh, my little prairie girl,
What 's in bloom among your grasses?
“Spring-beauties, painted cups,
Flushing when the south-wind passes:
Beds of rose-pink centaury;
Compass-flowers, to northward turning;
Larkspur, orange-gold puccoon;
Leagues of lilies flame-red burning.”
Oh, my little mountain girl,
Have you anything to gather?
“White-everlasting bloom,
Not afraid of wind or weather;
Sweet-brier, leaning on the crag
That the lady-fern hides under;
Harebells, violets white and blue:
Who has sweeter flowers, I wonder?”
Oh, my little maidens three,
I will lay your pretty posies,
Sea-scented, cloud-bedewed,
Prairie grasses, mountain roses,


On a bed of shells and moss;
Come and bend your bright heads nearer!
Though your blossoms are so fair,
You three human flowers are dearer!