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Virginia and Virginians

eminent Virginians, executives of the colony of Virginia from Sir Thomas Smyth to Lord Dunmore. Executives of the state of Virginia, from Patrick Henry to Fitzhugh Lee. Sketches of Gens. Ambrose Powel Hill, Robert E. Lee, Thos. Jonathan Jackson, Commodore Maury

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Page 607


Wesley Griggs, father of George K., was born in Henry county,
Virginia, in 1808, and is still an honored resident of the county, living
near Dyers Store. His wife, mother of George K., was Susan W. King,
born in Henry county in 1824, died at their home in 1879. The subject
of this sketch was born in Henry county, September 12, 1839. At
Cascade, Pittsylvania county, Virginia, in April, 1861, he married
Sallie B. Boyd, and their children are: W. E., Albert B., J. Henry, A.
W., Anna B., Ernest L. and Lizzie, all living now in Danville. The
parents of Mrs. Griggs were Virginians, born in Halifax county, died in
Pittsylvania county, near Cascade. Her father, H. A. Boyd, was born in
1807, and died in 1886; her mother, Amanda Hannings, born in 1808,
died in 1888.

Colonel Griggs attended school in Henry county in youth, and the
Virginia Military Institute, in 1857-8. He entered the Confederate
States Army in 1861, on the organization of the 38th Virginia Infantry
regiment, commissioned captain of Company K, that regiment. Except
when incapacitated by wounds, he was in continuous service till the
close of the war, promoted successively major, lieutenant-colonel,
colonel. From May, 1864, he was in command of the regiment, and at
the surrender, Appomattox C. H., was in command of the brigade. He
was twice severely wounded, at Gettysburg and at Drurys Bluff, and
took part in many battles, including Seven Pines. Since making his
residence in Pittsylvania county, Colonel Griggs has held a number of
county and township offices. In 1878 he removed to Danville, and
engaged in the warehouse business. In 1881 he was appointed secretary
and treasurer of the Danville & New River Railroad Company, and
in 1885 was made secretary, treasurer and superintendent of the
company, offices he is still ably filling.