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At a generall Courte helde for Virginia the 25th Iunij 1621

At a generall Courte helde for Virginia
the 25th Iunij


mr Iohn Ferrar.  mr Berblock.  mr Bill. 
mr Deputy.  mr Palmer.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Iohn Wroth.  mr Tucker.  mr Morewoode. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Swinhoe.  mr Baynam. 
mr Robert Smith.  mr Ruggellℯ.  mr Widdowes. 
mr Nicholas Ferrar.  mr Blande.  mr Vyner. 
Captaine Bargraue.  mr Harte. 
mr Cuffe. 
mr Geo: Smith. 
mr Hackluit. 
mr Penistone. 
mr Robertℯ. 
mr Mellinge. 
mr Raph Fogge. 

Mr Deputie signified vnto this Court that the occasion of their meet-
inge this afternoone was to lett them know how farr the Comittees
(haveinge mett the 18th of this p̢sent monneth) had p̳ceeded with


Captaine Norton [246] and the Italian Straungers that are to be sent
to Virginia to make glasse and beads; That wheras the last Quarter
Courte had approved of a bargaine made wth them by the former Com-
ittee for the furnishinge and transportinge of eleven p̱sonns for the
said worke att the Companies charge wch amounted to the Sume of att
least 150li, the same haveinge been againe taken into considerac̃on att
this last meetinge and fyndinge the Companies Stocke no way able to
p̱forme the same (as thingℯ now stood) Itt pleased mr Sandys outt of
a desire to advance soe hopefull a worke and to ease the Company of
the present charge to offer to take the said Itallyans to himselfe in
leive of those men that were to be allowed him by the Company in
respect of his office and that the Company should be att no further
charge then for transportinge and furnishinge two of their wives and
three of their Children wch offer by a Comittee was willinglie embraced
and in leive therof they thought fitt that the said workmen should be
appropriated vnto mr George Sandys as Treasuror vntill the Compa:
shall please to give him a valuable considerac̃on for them, wch work-
men have couenanted within three monneths after their arrivall in
Virginia to sett vp a Glass Furnace and to make Glasse and Beads for
the Company in the condic̃on of Tennantℯ att halfℯ for the space of
Seaven years for wch time they are to have a Pattent of pryveledge
that they onely and no other except such as the Company shall send
vnto them may be p̱mitted to make round Glasse drinckinge Glasse
or Beads and in lieve of their moytie of their Beads they ar to have
valuable consyderac̃on in some other Comodities att such Rates as the
Gouernor and Counsell of State in Virginia shall thinke fitt who are
likewise to stint and proproc̃on what quantytie of Beads they shall
thinke requisite to be made from time to time. And in respect Cap-
taine Norton is to have the ouersight & gou9ment of the said Italyans
ther is graunted vnto him on fifte p̱t of the Companies moytie to dis-
pose of att his pleasure and besides hee is to have 400 Acres of Land
olde Adventure for an inheritance.
mr Geo: Sandys
offer to take ye
Italians to him-
selfe in lieue of
those yt are to be
allowed him by
the Compa:
To sett Vp a Glass
Furnace within 3
monneths after
their ariuall Cr.
Captaine Norton.

Which seuerall p̳posic̃ons and allowances lymited wth so good Cautions
this Courte did well approve of and beinge put to ye question did will-
inglie condiscend vnto them.


Captaine Norton likewise p̳mised to be redie with his people within
14 daies to take Shippinge.

Capt Norton to be
redy wth in 14 daies

Mr Ralph Fogge moved that the five Shares confirmed vnto him by
the Quarter Courte held the second of May last might be testified
vnder the Companys Seale for that many vppon that assurance would
be moved to goe ouer to plant for his sake, whervppon itt was agreed
that hee should have a Certificate to that effect Sealed. [247]

mr Raph Fogge 5
shares to be con-
firmed vnder ye