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Page 140

II. Zoölogy.

Associate Professor Kepner.

Mr. Taliaferro.

For Undergraduates.

Zoölogy B1: The morphology and classification of both invertebrates
and vertebrates; a general survey of the animal kingdom, and the principles
involved in the formation of cells, tissues, and organs in the varioutypes
of animal bodies. (B. A. or B. S. credit, 6 session-hours.) Lectures.
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 12-1. Laboratory: Section I, Monday.
Wednesday, Friday, 9-11. Section II, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, 9-11.
Section III, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 3-5. Cabell Hall. Associate
Professor Kepner and Mr. Taliaferro.

For Undergraduates and Graduates.

Zoölogy C1: Zoölogy B1 prerequisite.

First term: General Embryology: The early development of the
individual; fundamental biological principles. Each student is required
to prepare, to a large extent, his own material.

Second and third terms: Economic Zoölogy: The detailed study of
parasitic and other animals of economic importance, and their life-histories;
the interrelation of plants and animals. Students are required to
make collections and preparations of local forms.

Two lectures and two three-hour laboratory periods a week. Also a
weekly meeting of one hour for a discussion with the instructor of current
literature and of the problems arising out of the students' work. Hours
by appointment. Cabell Hall. Associate Professor Kepner.

For Graduates.

Zoölogy D1: Principles of Animal Histology: Zoölogy C1 prerequisite.—Protoplasm,
cell organization, and tissue formation. The student
is required to become familiar with the principles of histological technique
and to make his own preparations. Two lectures and two three-hour laboratory
periods a week. Also a weekly meeting of one hour for a discussion
with the instructor of current literature and of the problems arising out
of the students' work. Hours by appointment. Cabell Hall. Associate
Professor Kepner.

Further advanced work may be arranged to meet the needs of students.