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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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 15-7 to 15-15. 
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Sec. 19-80. Vagrants—Persons deemed vagrants.[345]

The following persons shall be deemed vagrants:

(1) Unlawful return. All persons who shall unlawfully
return to this city after having been legally removed.

(2) Refusing to work. All persons who, not having wherewith
to maintain themselves and their families, live idly and


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without employment and refuse to work for the usual and
common wages given to other laborers in like work in the city.

(3) Wandering in idleness. Persons wandering or strolling
about in idleness who are able to work and have no property
to support them.

(4) Idle, immoral or profligate life. Persons leading an
idle, immoral or profligate life, who have no property to support
them and who are able to work and do not.

(5) Begging. All able-bodied persons found begging for
a living, or who quit their homes and leave their wives or
children without the means of subsistence.

(6) Having no visible means of subsistence. All persons
who shall come from any place without this city and shall be
found loitering and residing herein, and who shall follow no
labor, trade, occupation or business, and have no visible means
of subsistence, and can give no reasonable account of themselves
or their business.

(7) Living by stealing. All persons having a fixed abode
who have no visible property to support them, and who live
by stealing or by trading or bartering stolen property.

(8) Hiring out children. All persons who are able to work
and who do not work, but hire out their minor children and
live upon their wages.

(9) Consorting with persons engaged in illegal enterprise.
All persons who have no visible income lawfully acquired and
who consort with idlers, gamblers, bootleggers, prostitutes,
narcotic users, narcotic vendors, persons engaged in the
operation of any disorderly house or illegal enterprise of any
kind, or persons having the reputation of any of the above
named. (Code 1959, § 19-80.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 63-338.