University of Virginia Library

Psalme. XCIX.

The Argument.

Swete Christ his raigne: this Psalme compristh,
As Rabins all: can say no lesse:
God graunt that they: with vs would ryse,
To sing these thankes: to hym in fleshe.

Dominus regnauit irascantur.


The Lord to raigne: is bent therin,
All folke ought than: his presence dread:
He sitteth betwixe: the Cherubin,
Let all the earth: then quake I reade.


This Lord is great: in Zion seene,
Where power he sheweth: & ruleth with loue
And hye he is: on all the Heathen,
If they a like: their hartes would moue.



O let them all: thy name confesse,
The bad to beate: the good to blisse:
For greate it is: in fearefulnes,
The power therof: most sacred is,


All Princely power: loueth equitye,
And equitye: thou broughtst in sight:
In Iacobs stocke: thou didst applye,
To iudgement true: and iustice right.


Our Lord this God: O magnifye,
Both Iewes and Greekes: your wayes relēt,
To his fotestole: his sacrarye,
Bow downe your knees: most reuerent.


As Moses meeke: so Aaron graue,
Were chiefe his priestes: so Samuell:
Among them were: his power to craue,
They cryed to God: he hard them well.


To them in cloud: spred pillour like,
He spake as all: the people sawe:
They did his hests: and statutes kepe,
Which he them gaue: in pact for law.


O Lord our God: thou hardst them iust,
And spardst them Lord: for thine owne sake,
Yea when with plagues: thou didst thē thrust,
For foule attempts: which they did make.


Extoll this God: our Lord so free,
Fall downe before: his holy hill:
For God our Lord: in maiestye,
Most sacred is: and iust in will.