University of Virginia Library


Riven his plate, and pierced his mail,
Battered his crest, and broke his blade,
That had so late, with dire avail,
Repelled his force, whose sacred steel
Waved in a Wife's and Daughter's aid,
Extended huge the Giant lay —
His shield, exempted from the fray,
Hung in its own armorial nich,
Alone unharmed — unconscious — which


His anxious eyes still sought — and ay,
Exposed in utmost exigence;
Still, still he bent to pluck from thence
That stout circumference of defence,
To oppose to the consuming wrath
Of St. Eloy and Agilnoth
But vain! — in vain! — pressed vengeance there,
His shrinking steps and failing strength,
Exulting o'er his measured length;
While fierce disdain from his despair
Broke forth—as sunk his soul to Hela's dwelling drear!