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Devotional Verses

Founded on and Illustrative of select Texts of Scripture [by Bernard Barton]

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“For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry.” —Acts, i. 17.

If it were so with Thee,
Thus number'd, gifted, and yet insecure,
Oh, how much need have we
To make our calling and election sure!
What station can we win,
To rival the high rank which thou hadst won,
Ere treach'ry's fearful sin
Made thee, by emphasis, “perdition's son?”
No follower of a day
Wert thou, no hasty proselyte to change;
That such should fall away,
Nor then, nor now, could seem a marvel strange.


But thou long time hadst been
One of the few so honour'd, and preferr'd;
Daily thy Lord hadst seen,
More often than the day his voice hadst heard.
Number'd among the elect,
Partaker in their ministry wert thou;—
How could that hand, uncheck'd,
Give to its thorny crown thy Master's brow?
There may be—in whose thought
Thy fall seems part of God's appointed plan;
Hence with no lesson fraught,
Which every heart with fearful awe should scan.
I dare not so discuss
Myst'ries which reason cannot penetrate;
Instructive, unto us,
Should be the lesson of thy fall'n estate.
Thou shouldst a watch-word be,—
A solemn and affecting one to all;
And, while we mourn for thee,
Each should remember—“I may also fall!”