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Poems on Several Occasions

Written by Charles Cotton

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Set by Mr. Coleman.


See, how like Twilight Slumber falls
T'obscure the glory of those balls,
And, as she sleeps,
See how Light creeps


Thorow the Chinks, and Beautifies
The rayie fringe of her fair Eyes.


Observe Loves feuds, how fast they fly,
To every heart, from her clos'd Eye,
What then will she,
When waking, be?
A glowing Light for all t'admire,
Such, as would set the World on fire.


Then seal her Eye-lids, gentle Sleep,
Whiles cares of her mine open keep;
Lock up, I say,
Those Doors of Day,
Which with the Morn for Lustre strive,
That I may look on her, and live.