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A god man ene & is sone to sein Iemes wende
To þe cite of Tolouse aȝen eue hi kende
Alniȝt hi bileuede þer at an luþer mannes inne
He þoȝte wiþ wuch tricherie he miȝte hor panes winne
Nou was þe lawe in þulke stude as þe ssrewe wel vnderstod
Wo so honge a man þoru lawe he ssolde habbe al is god
Þe ssrewe hom made uair semlant as is manere was to done
Þat hi were dronke beie and aslepe sone
A coppe of seluer stilleliche þis luþer man gan bringe
In hore scrippe softeliche among hore oþer þinge
To þe cite of Tolouse aȝen eue hi kende
Alniȝt hi bileuede þer at an luþer mannes inne
He þoȝte wiþ wuch tricherie he miȝte hor panes winne
Wo so honge a man þoru lawe he ssolde habbe al is god
Þe ssrewe hom made uair semlant as is manere was to done
Þat hi were dronke beie and aslepe sone
A coppe of seluer stilleliche þis luþer man gan bringe
In hore scrippe softeliche among hore oþer þinge
Þis godeman awok & is sone as sone as it dai was
And nome hore leue & wende uorþ & nuste noȝt of þis cas
Þo hi come a lite wiþoute toun þis luþer man after com
Hoting out wiþ gret sute & þis triwe men boþe nom
And sede ȝe habbeþ my coppe istole & in hore scrippe ibonde
Þat folk it iluuede anon þo hi þe coppe fonde
And nome hore leue & wende uorþ & nuste noȝt of þis cas
Þo hi come a lite wiþoute toun þis luþer man after com
Hoting out wiþ gret sute & þis triwe men boþe nom
And sede ȝe habbeþ my coppe istole & in hore scrippe ibonde
Þat folk it iluuede anon þo hi þe coppe fonde
Þe pilgrims þei hi triwe were to dome were ibroȝt
Ech maner þufþe hi ofsoke ac me neluuede hom noȝt
For hi were inome hond habbinge þe court hom lokede anon
Þat hi hor dom wiþ hom bere & honge ssolde hore on
Ech maner þufþe hi ofsoke ac me neluuede hom noȝt
For hi were inome hond habbinge þe court hom lokede anon
Þat hi hor dom wiþ hom bere & honge ssolde hore on
Alas sede þe fader ware ich ssolle nou honge
And ar ich habbe sein Iame isoȝt þe uile deþ auonge
And ar ich habbe sein Iame isoȝt þe uile deþ auonge
Nay certes fader quaþ þe sone þat nolde ich grante þe
To be[o] louerd ouer al þe world þat þou honge biuore me
And honge ichelle for us boþe inelle noȝt þane deþ forsake
And as wis as we gulteles beoþ mi soule God ich take
To be[o] louerd ouer al þe world þat þou honge biuore me
And honge ichelle for us boþe inelle noȝt þane deþ forsake
And as wis as we gulteles beoþ mi soule God ich take
A leue sone quaþ þe uader so ne ssel it neuere be
Ssostou honge & ich libbe i ne ssel neuere þane day ise
Such man toward as þou ert iloked it were wroþe
Þat þou ssost honge & ich libbe ichelle honge for us boþe
Ssostou honge & ich libbe i ne ssel neuere þane day ise
Such man toward as þou ert iloked it were wroþe
Þat þou ssost honge & ich libbe ichelle honge for us boþe
A uader uader quaþ þe sone be stille ich bidde þe
Inelle neuere þane dai abide þat þou honge biuore me
Ac go þe wei for us boþe ichelle honge for us beie
Bidde sein Iame grante me part of þi weie
Bitwene þe fader and þe sone þe striuinge laste longe
Þat echmon hadde deol þerof weþer ssolde þane deþ auonge
So þat it fel attenende þei it were wiþ wronge
Þat þe sone for hom boþe gulteles was anhonge
Inelle neuere þane dai abide þat þou honge biuore me
Ac go þe wei for us boþe ichelle honge for us beie
Bidde sein Iame grante me part of þi weie
Bitwene þe fader and þe sone þe striuinge laste longe
So þat it fel attenende þei it were wiþ wronge
Þat þe sone for hom boþe gulteles was anhonge
Alas alas þe deluol cas to hure so muche falshede
Wel ȝeorne boþe fader & sone sein Iames is help bede
Louerd þe deol of þe wader grettore neuere nas
Þo he sei is sone honge & for he gulteles was
He biteiȝte is soule Iesu Crist þo he nesei oþer won
And is wei wiþ sorwe inou to sein Iame gan gon
For is sone as wel as for him sein Iame he bad faste
He wende after þis holy wey aȝenward attelaste
Ar he com þer is sone was him þoȝte swuþe longe
Ȝif he miȝte finde ȝute [] eny lyme of him honge
For þe lawe was þere þat euerichman þat anhange were
Þe wile he laste honge ssolde forte ech lime fram oþer tere
Wel ȝeorne boþe fader & sone sein Iames is help bede
Louerd þe deol of þe wader grettore neuere nas
Þo he sei is sone honge & for he gulteles was
He biteiȝte is soule Iesu Crist þo he nesei oþer won
And is wei wiþ sorwe inou to sein Iame gan gon
For is sone as wel as for him sein Iame he bad faste
He wende after þis holy wey aȝenward attelaste
Ar he com þer is sone was him þoȝte swuþe longe
Ȝif he miȝte finde ȝute [] eny lyme of him honge
For þe lawe was þere þat euerichman þat anhange were
Þe wile he laste honge ssolde forte ech lime fram oþer tere
Þis ȝongeman sixe and þritti dawes heng upe þe galou tre[o]
Ar is fader aȝen come þat iroted he aȝte be[o]
He com & fond him honge riȝt ner him he gan te[o]
He wep & cride & wrong is honde þat deol it was to se[o]
Ar is fader aȝen come þat iroted he aȝte be[o]
He com & fond him honge riȝt ner him he gan te[o]
He wep & cride & wrong is honde þat deol it was to se[o]
Leue fader quaþ þis sone ne wep þou noȝt so bliue
For inam to bywepe noȝt for icham ȝute aliue
Me nas neuere an eorþe so wel as me haþ suþþe ibe[o]
Ich am as ich were in heuene þei ich honge on þis tre[o]
For sein Iame me halt euere up gret ioie he deþ me make
Me ofþincþ þat þou come so sone leste þou me adoun take
For inam to bywepe noȝt for icham ȝute aliue
Me nas neuere an eorþe so wel as me haþ suþþe ibe[o]
Ich am as ich were in heuene þei ich honge on þis tre[o]
For sein Iame me halt euere up gret ioie he deþ me make
Me ofþincþ þat þou come so sone leste þou me adoun take
Louerd þe ioie þat þe fader hadde þulke stonde
Þo he after al is sor is sone aliue fonde
To toune he orn wiþ ioie inou & clupede men wel uaste
Þat folk him siwede & isei þat soþe attelaste
Wiþ gret ioie hi nome him adoun & to toune him broȝte
Þane traitor þat him made anhonge wel sone out hi soȝte
And honge him heie uppon a tre[o] noȝt bote he worþe were
And euere me þincþ al to lite þat he ek todrawe nere
Þo he after al is sor is sone aliue fonde
To toune he orn wiþ ioie inou & clupede men wel uaste
Þat folk him siwede & isei þat soþe attelaste
Wiþ gret ioie hi nome him adoun & to toune him broȝte
Þane traitor þat him made anhonge wel sone out hi soȝte
And honge him heie uppon a tre[o] noȝt bote he worþe were
And euere me þincþ al to lite þat he ek todrawe nere
The South English Legendary | ||