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Northumberland Lights


Pauline th'Italian went to Edwin King

13 Cal: August

Of the Northumbers with Edelberg who

Was daughter of King Edelbert to bring
Her and towed her to King Edwin so
He and his people he made Christian grow.
He founded then Yorks see, and sat therein
Built Lincoln Church on Humbers Southern side
But when Cadwald, and Penda'd slain Edwin,
He with Edelbert backt to Kent now high'de
And left James Deacon in the see t'reside.
Then Eddy Stephen up arose to sing.
And now that holy Worthy Scots Divine
Choice Aidan now King Oswald Calld, brought in
Did fix his seate at Lindisfern and shine
In Pious Preaching, Charity in's Line.
Finnanus followd in Lind'sfarn Seate
Who stoutly did oppose the Roman trash.
And after him brave Colman who did sweat


Against the Romish Easter it to dish

In a Dispute at Ripon, and they Clash.
Then Tuda who was pious took his place
He first accepted of Romes Easter day
And shaved Crown. Then Wilfride on a pace
With Romish Relicks, yet did grace display
In Lindisfarn, but on him troubles lay.
Boso hath York for's Cure. Lindisfarn fell
With Hagusted to Eata there to Preach
Then Thrumbrecht gain'd Hagulstad to rule well
And after him Chunibert doth there teach.
His Bishops line over the same did reach.


Lind'sfern to Eadbrecht came he's Bishop there.
John comes to Hagulstad with godly light.
Berecht was Deacon unto him we heare
Of whom account is had which Bede did write
Shewing the Story gi'n of John as right.