University of Virginia Library


XV. [Lord quha did marche vpon the stormye sees.]

Lord quha did marche vpon the stormye sees,
quhase wawes uer high lyke hills and law lyk hell,
quha bounds the same by thy eterne decreyes,
and calms them maist quhen they in rage did swell,
Lord quha did save that saule that did rebell,
and did repyne aganst thyne holye will,
and succourd quhen in sees they did expell,
that he thairefter might the same fulfill,
Calme, lord, thir wawes more high then ony hill,
and stey the tempests that ws all afray,
quhilk haithe our nighbours dround, bot mak them still,
that we might happie passage have this day:
here ws, great god, quha did the wynds rebuik,
and on thy servants of thy mercye looke.