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Against D. Tangus his swelling phisick.
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Against D. Tangus his swelling phisick.

Epi. 117.

Tangus , the Phisick-doctor, loues a VVhoore
Better then giuing phisick to the poore.
He hath the arte of Bawdry better farre
Than Phisick: yet, in both doth make and Marre:
He makes a Maide a VVhoore; so, mares her quite:
And makes a sound man sick, or dead out-right.
What Virgin can resist, when he doth boast
He can restore her Mayden head, if lost:
VVhich at her marriage shalbe found as strict
As any Girles that Loue did ne're aflict.
When he doth promise, by a phisick-feate,
To let the Wombe & Pappes from growing great.
To giue her Vnguents and Complexions store
To make her Beauties rare Reflexions more:
To keepe her Body still, in healthfull state;
And make her mirry in despight of Fats.
VVhich hauing VVill to promise, Skill, to do;
VVhat VVench can choose but loue & please him too?
Tangus, your Arte your Nature truly hits.
That helpes or hinders Loues stil-burning sits.
But take heed (Tangus) how you empty still
The VVombes which you with working-phisick fill,
Least some repentant wench which vsde you haue
Say at her end you vsde her like a Knaue:

Then, let mee thee admonish (without stripes)
Giue no more Phisick with such Glister-pipes.