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The Minor Poems of John Lydgate

edited from all available mss. with an attempt to establish The Lydgate Canon: By Henry Noble MacCracken

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[MS. Bodl. Rawl. c. 48, leaf 133–133, back.]


Vndir your hood is but oo contenaunce,
Excludid is from you al doubilnesse,
Vnto your herte your tonge hathe accordaunce,
Off stedfast love yee may be cheeff goddesse,
To mocke nor to scorne your herte hathe no gladnesse,
Trewthe and your sadnesse your persone enlumyne;
Thes been as trewe of you, I bere witnesse,
As I goo loos, and teied am withe a lyne.


Your bewtes to write I haue no suffisaunce,
In termys rude yit this I wil proceede:
Your port is meeke and sad in countenaunce;
The roosis reede, the lilly also, in-deede,
In dewe myxtur han grauntid you ther weede;
Moost like to mylk of you is necke and chyne;
Al this is trewe of you, withoute falsheede,
As I goo loos, and teied am with a lyne.


[OMITTED] esse
[OMITTED] trewe
[OMITTED] prune
[OMITTED] he eschewe
[OMITTED] he a lyne.



[OMITTED] no displesaunce
[OMITTED] shal the reed or see
[OMITTED] at in al variaunce
[OMITTED] sette and chaungyng euer wol be
[OMITTED] ers be nat displesid withe the
[OMITTED] put a-waye thes last stavis tweyne;
Thes be as sothe of you, wher that ye be,
As I goo loos, and teied am withe a lyne.