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114. CXIV.

Dimekrats uv the North! Yoo hev to deside
whether the old party, which hez alluz delited in
managin the affairs uv this guvernment, is to
agin assoom its nateral position, or whether it is
doomed to die, and be among the things that wuz.

Ez the hed uv the party, I issue this appeal.

The time for argument hez passed—all that
now remains is ackshen! ackshen!! ackshen!!!

Never before wuz there sich need uv work—
never wuz there so much at stake. Look around
yoo, fellow Dimekrats! See! Uv all the Staits
North, only Noo Gersey remains troo to her anshent
prinsipples. The dark waves uv Ablishnism
are a sweepin over the land, unchecked, save
by Noo Gersey. There, thank God, the ark uv
the convant rests. There the vestal fires burn


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brightly. Noo Gersey hez the Dimokrasy she alluz
hed—she changes not. Ever sence the yeer before
the Revolushen, she hez bin Dimekratik. No
matter wat issues wuz presented—no matter on
wich side uv sed issues the Dimokrasy planted
theirselves, Noo Gersey alluz voted that ticket.

Sech confidin trust in the leaders, sech Roman
simplicity, is refreshin. Wood, O wood that we
hed more Noo Gerseys!

This fall the Dimokrasy hev exceeded theirselves
in liberality to the people. Never wuz
there sich a assortment uv principles to choose
from. In Noo York, we hev on the track a Ginral,
who sheathed his sword in the harts uv his
Suthern brethrin, and him we stood on a platform
which recognizes the death uv slavery, and
feels good over it, and wich goes for payin the
debt, intrest, principle, and all. In Noo Gersey
we hev a Ginral on the ticket who run away from
Bull Run, becoz he did n't approve uv the principles
on wich the war wuz bein condukted, on a
platform ez strikly Suthern ez the Camden and
Amboy cood make it. In Ohio, our platform wuz
made by the great Vallandigum, and in it is the
pure expressed joose uv Dimokrasy. The great
doctrine uv Staits Rites is avowed, and the rite
uv the seceded Staits to agin secede is upheld.


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Here is diversity—here is pickin. Each Dimekrat
kin pick wich set uv prinsipples he desires,
and the cheerman uv his central committy will
cheerfully certify that that set will be made universal,
ez soon ez a Nashnel Convenshun convenes.

Look at wat intrests are at stake. Do yoo want
to marry nigger wenches? Do yoo want yoor
gushin daughters tied by indissoluble ties to disgustin
buck niggers? We hev persistently petitioned
Abolishn legislachers to pass acts preventin
us from doin this foul thing, but to no avale.
They hev turned a deef ear to our entreaties, and
to-day we stand exposed to all these dangers.

Do yoo want a buck nigger to march up to the
poles with yoo to vote? Do yoo want their children
mixt with yoors in skools? Do yoo want em
on juries and holdin offis in yoor township? My
God! think uv it! Think uv yoor bein brot up
on a charge uv petty larceny, sich ez steelin sheep
or chickens, before a nigger justis uv the peese!
Think uv yoor bein sood for a store-bill that hed
run ten yeers, afore a nigger squire! In the
towns and cities, think uv bein arrestid for bein
drunk, by a nigger policeman, and bein arraned
in the mornin before a nigger mayor! Contemplate
these pikters without a shudder, ef yoo kin.


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These questions must be met. They stare us in
the face. On yoo depends the issue. The nigger
is our natral enemy.

Sum uv our best lites are in favor uv givin him
the suffrage, on the ground that in a little while
we wood git his votes, on the prinsipple that we
ketch all the trash naterally. My frends, be not
deseeved. We hev aboozed the nigger so long and
so persistently, that it wood take ages afore we
cood get him suffishently demoralized to act with
us, and afore that time we wood all be in the silent
grave, where pollytix is uv no akkount.

On the question uv taxes, and reconstruction,
and sich, I refer yoo to the platforms adoptid by
yoor various Stait Convenshuns; yoo may depend
upon eech bein perfeckly sound. On these minor
questions there may be diffrense uv opinion in
localities; but, thank Hevin, on nigger there is
unanimity. “Nigger and him prostrated,” is the
rallyin cry uv the Dimokrasy, North, South, East,
and West.

I bleeve in the above I hev given a full epitome
uv the principles uv the party. We hev a
he old fight afore us, and it behooves every Dimekrat
to buckle on his armor to wunst. Noo Gersey
may be dependid on. The few Ablishnists we
hev, hev gone so far into spellin-books and grammars,


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that their talk is all Greek to our voters,
and so they are safe from their contaminatin appeals.
She expex every Stait to do its dooty. She
is lonesome and wants company. She stretches
out her hands appealinly to her sisters, and sez in
winnin tones, “Jine me!”

Will yoo not do it? Shel she appeal in vane?
Forbid it, Hevin! Rally! Rally! Rally!

Petroleum V. Nasby,
Lait Paster uv the Church uv the Noo Dispensashun.