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Sec. 2-17. Witnesses before council, committees, etc.;
production of books and papers.

The city council, or any committee or officer of the city, when
specially authorized by the city council, shall have the power to
require the attendance of any person as a witness and the
production by any person of all proper books and papers, when, in
any investigation by such body, such attendance and investigation
is necessary and proper. Summons to attend as a witness or to
produce books and papers shall be in writing, signed by the
presiding officer of the city council, and shall be served by a
member of the police force in the same manner as a process to
commence an action at law. Such witnesses shall be sworn by the
officer presiding at the investigation, and shall be liable to the
penalties for perjury or false testimony at such investigation. Any
person failing or refusing to obey such summons, and refusing to
testify, or produce such books or papers, may be summoned
before the judge of the municipal court and upon failure to give
satisfactory excuse shall be fined not exceeding one hundred
dollars or imprisoned not exceeding thirty days. A person found
guilty under this section and fined shall have a right of appeal to
the corporation court of the city. (Code 1959, § 2-17.)


For similar state law, see Code of Va., § 15.1-811.