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Att a great and generall Quarter Courte helde for Virginia the 13th of Iune 1621

Att a great and generall Quarter Courte helde
for Virginia the 13th of Iune 1621


Ea: Nottingham ∥Huntington∥. 
Ea: Southampton.  Lo: Cauendish. 
Ea: Warwicke.  Lo: Pagett. 
Sr Nicholas Tufton.  Sr Nathaniell Rich. 
Sr Dudley Diggs.  Sr Frauncis Wyatt. 
Sr Edw: Sandys.  Sr Wm Newce. 
Sr Phi: Cary.  Sr Edw: Lawley. 

mr Hide, mr Robert Smith, mr Wroth, mr Gibbs, mr Earle, Dr: Gul-
ston, mr Wrote, mr Sandys, mr Franck, mr Oxenbridge, mr Deputy, mr
Iohn Smith, mr Nicho: Ferrar, mr Foxten, mr Scott, mr Blande, mr
Biddolph, mr Swinhow, mr Casewell, mr Neuell, mr Langton, mr George
Smith, mr Robertℯ, mr Martin, mr Cole, mr Kinstone, mr Widdowes,
mr Combes, mr Morewood, mr Barron, mr Dawes, mr Pennistone, mr
Bynge mr Berblock mr Wiffe, mr Mellinge, mr More, mr Harte, mr Tay-
lor, mr Symond, mr Woodall, mr Ayres, mr Bagwell, mr Keightley,
mr Swaine, mr Askur, mr Barbor, mr Dowe, mr Riseley, mr Wale, mr
Edwards, mr Alleynes, mr Somers, mr Lawne, mr Challoner, Captaine
Hamor, mr Ewinℯ, Capt Maddyson, mr Tomlynℯ, mr Lawne, mr Iad-


win, mr Darnelly, Capt Bargraue, mr Lewis, Captaine Goldingham,
mr Newporte, mr Thomas Gibbs, mr Kelley, mr Russell, mr Brome-
feilde, mr Porter, Captaine Tucker.

Vppon readinge of the Actes of the former Quarter Courte held the
second of May last Sr Edwin Sandys takinge knowledge of 20 Shares
of Land bestowed vppon him by the Company did now declare his
thankfull acceptac̃on of the same p̳fessinge that although hee had
allredy land in Virginia by adventures of monny paid into the
Treasurie more then hee could as yett well plant yett did hee with a
gratefull acknowledgmt of their bounty accept this testimony of their
love and favour towards him. [236]

Sr Edwin Sandyℯ
thankfull accep-
tac̃on of ye 20:
Shares bestowed
vppon him

Mr Deputy signified the reasons why hee presented not ye Accompt
of the last years Disbursmentℯ vnto this Courte, was in regarde ther
was not yett monneys sufficient com in to discharge all the Debtℯ
for goods bought by him and the Comittee for such provisions as
were sent with the people then shipped for wch hee and the Comittee
stands yett indebted to divers men and the Lottary beinge dissolved and the Companies Stock lyinge in Plate could not be suddenly
turned into monney but to very great losse; The Courte thought itt
verie fittinge to respite the same Accompt vntill monny did com in
fully to pay all those debts mr Deputy hopinge monny would be got-
ten by the next Quarter Courte to discharge all the said Debtℯ wch
being done hee p̳mised to p̢sent the Accompt vnto the Courte.

mr Deputies rea-
sons why hee pre-
sented not an Ac-
compt of ye laste
years Disburs-

Sr Edwin Sandys likewise moved touchinge his Accompt that wheras
att the giveinge vpp of his place hee stood bound for the Company for
certaine somes of monny wch were ordered to be payd vnto him for
discharge of the fraught of divers Ships and other things; that for so
much as the Ships were not all of them returned butt daylie expected
hee therfore desyred his Accomptℯ might likewise be respited till the
next Quarter Courte against wch time hee would be redie with his said
Accomptℯ wch favour (vppon soe iust a reason) the Courte did willing-
lie assent vnto.

Sr Edwin Sandys
Accompts respited.


Itt was informed that for asmuch as Sr George Yeardley complayned
of the small number of the Counsell of State in Virginia remayning
alive and of their seldome meetinge by reason they dwell so dis-
persedly asunder and had no manner of allowance for attendance in
that kind itt was the cause hee wanted such necessary assistance as
was fitt and requisite: Itt was therfore taken into considerac̃on how
this defect of Councellors might be supplyed and their meetings hear-
after made more frequent, and itt was offered to the iudgment of this
Courte wheither itt be not expedient that the said Counsell should be
appoynted to assemble fower times a yeare and to hold quarterlie
Sessions for one wholl weeke together to assist the Gouernor from
time to time ∥as well∥ in matter of Counsell and of State and in all
causes of importance as allsoe for redresse of generall and as well
p̱ticularr greivances The Courte conceavinge this to tend much to the
advancement of iustice in generall did therfore order that the said
Sessions should hearafter be duely observed and kept: and that direc-
c̃on should be given in the Gouernorℯ instrucc̃ons for establishinge
of the same. [237]

The Counsell of
State in Virginia
to meet 4 times a
yeare & to holde
quarterly Session
for one whole
yeare week to-

Itt was likewise signified that care had been taken to make some
addic̃on vnto the Counsell of State in Virginia of men of worth and
quallytie namely Sr William Newce knight Marshall of Virginia and
mr George Sandys Treasuror of the same, And haveinge allsoe for-
merly chosen Sr Frauncis Wyatt to be the successive Gouernor imeadi-
atly vppon thexpirac̃on[884] of Sr Georg Yeardleys Comission ther
remayned now butt one Officer more of the Counsell to be continued
or chaunged namely mr Secretary Porey whose Comission beinge butt
for three years ended in Nouember next.

An Addic̃on to ye
Counsell in Vir-
Sr Frauncis Wyatt

Next mr Deputy therfore moved to knowe their pleasure wheither they
would have mr Poreys Comission renued or the place to be supplyed
by another whervppon the Company declaringe their desire to make
a change; there were fower gentlemen proposed for the said place
namely mr Smith mr Paramore, mr Dauison and mr Waterhowse beinge
all of them recom̃mended by worthy p̱sonns for their honestie suffi-


ciencie and experience in Secretary affaires, butt because no more butt
three could stand for the elecc̃on itt was putt to the question wch three
they would have nõiated for that purpose, whervppon mr Smith was
dismissed and the other three appoynted to stand for the elecc̃on who
beinge all three putt to the Ballatinge Box choise was made of mr
Dauison by haveinge the maior p̱t of Balls whoe beinge called in to
take notice that the Secretaries place was fallen vppon him did declare
his thankfull acknowledgmt vnto the Company of their favour towards
him promisinge to p̱forme his best to answer their expectac̃on of him.
mr Dauison chosen

Itt was allso agreed vppon request made that hee should be admitted
a free Brother of this Company and be of the Counsell of State in

mr Dauison made
free & of the Coun-
sell in Virginia

Itt was further signifyed that the Counsell had taken into their Con-
siderac̃on matter of future supporte of the Plantac̃on to supply ye
Defectℯ of the Companies Stocke if they could by procuringe poor
people to be sent hearafter to Virginia att the Common charge of the
parishes where they live wch offer beinge made to the lower house of
Parlyament att the last Session vppon occasion of great complaynte
of the multitude of poore people swarminge in everie Cittie, Towne
and parish itt was accepted of that house with a verie great and grate-
full applause whervppon the Courte agreed a bill should be drawne to
that effect against the next Session of Parlyament and entreated Sr
Dudley Diggs, Sr Edwin Sandys and Sr Iohn Dauers to take some
paines in the drawinge of the saide Bill. [238]

Poore people to be
sent to Virginia.
a Bill to be drawne
& to be exhibited
to ye Parliamt

A moc̃on was made that for soe much as the Companies of London
and other Citties and Townes of this Kingdome had Adventured good
Sums of monny towards the Plantacon in Virginia some course might
be thought vppon to excite them to make some proffite of the Lands
due vnto them they haveinge allredie done the like in Ireland with
verie good Successe, This moc̃on was well approved and the Courte
entreated the Comittee hearafter named to make some Declarac̃on to
the seuerall Companies Citties and Townes what porc̃on of Land
belongs vnto them in respect of their monneys adventured as allso
what the charge wilbe to plant the same with people, and lastly what


returnes of good Comodities they may make in a short time beinge
duely prosecuted; The names of the said Comittees are these

Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr Cranmor. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Berblock. 
mr Deputie.  mr Bernard. 
mr Iohn Smith.  mr Casewell. 
or any fower of them are desyred to meet vppon the next ffryday
followinge to advise aboute the same.
A Declarac̃on to be
made to ye seuer-
all Compa: Citties
and Townes Cr.

Intelligence beinge given that a gentleman refusinge to be named hadd
written a Treatice for the good of the Plantac̃on which consisted of
those five generall heads namely Sustenance, Health, Defence, Comerce,
and Censure, in handlinge of which hee had with great iudgment
observed the causes of ye Defectℯ of everie of them in the Colony and
proposed seuerall wayes how to remedie the same; The Court gave
order that ye Companies thankℯ should be given vnto the said gentle-
man wth ernest request that hee would p̳ceed to the finishinge therof
and that after itt had been p̱vsed by a select Comittee itt should be
putt in printe to p̱vse wch booke the Courte entreated these vizd.

Sr Dudley Diggs.  Sr Frauncis Wyatt. 
Sr Edwin Sandys.  mr George Sandys. 
Sr Iohn Dauers.  mr Secretary Dauison. 
mr Iohn Smith.  mr Gibbs, mr Wrote. 
or any fower of them. [239]
The Companies
thanks to be giuen
to ye gent̃ yt makes
ye treatie of Sus-
tenance Cr.

mr Deputy moued yt in respect some doubt was made that the Seed
miscarryed wch was sent in Doctor Bohunℯ Shipp a Pinnace might be
provided against September next to carry some more Seed, wch Seed
was allredie spoken for, and promised to be here against that time,
wch Pinnace should allso carry in her some Barly and Garden Seeds
and some ffruite Trees of two years graftinge; The Courte agreed yt
a Pinnace should be hyred and referred the bargaine to be made for


the saide Ship and all other things therevnto app̱teyninge vnto the
gen9all Comittees.
A Pinnace to be
prouided for car-
ryinge of Silk-
worme seed Cr.

Mrs Katherine Binion shewed in her petic̃on that wheras one Iohn
Martin late of London esqre was bound to the Petic̃oners ffather mr
Thomas Binion lately deceased for payment of 205li att certaine daies,
shee therfore moved that §in respect§ the said Capt: Martin had paide
no p̱t of the said Debt and by reason of his resydinge in Virginia, shee
knew not how to come by the same, that the Company would please
to take some course to cause him to give her sattisfacc̃on wch request
being taken into considerac̃on itt was conceaved the graunt of her
desire would prove an ill president and would disharten many to see
a course taken here to force such men to paie their Debts that had
fled thither with hazard of their lives for releife and safegaurd in
regard of their disabillities to discharge the same; And yett on the
other side beinge vnwillinge to make Virginia a Sanctuary for bad
Debtors that had wherewithall to discharge the same and yett out of
obstenacie or ill consience would take no course that in such cases
direcc̃on should be given (vppon complainte) to the Gouernor of Vir-
ginia to cause ye p̱tie indebted to sattisfie the Same out of the proffittℯ
of his labours wth Caution neuerthelesse that there be allwaies lefte
vnto every such Debtor some Competent means of subsistance; Butt
if they shalbe found sufficientlie able and yett denyed sattisfacc̃on out
of a p̱vers willfullnesse that with such ill mindes strict order be taken
for §p̢sent§ payment as the equitie of the Debt shall require; And
because a question was moved whether ye Compa: had power by their
Pattent to remand any back from Virginia to give sattisfacc̃on here
if need did require, Itt was thought fitt that mr Hide, and mr Earle did
consider of this poynte and examine the authoritie of the Company
touchinge the same. [240]

mrs Kathern Bin-
ions Petic̃on.

The Patent graunted to my Lady Dale for a p̱ticular Plantac̃on in
Virginia beinge drawne in the vsuall forme and now p̢sented to be
read was referred to a Comittee to p̱vse the same wch beinge approved
by them order was given to mr Deputy to affixe the Seale thervnto,
And ordered further that accordinge to my Ladie Dales request direc-


c̃on should be given to sett outt her Lande where shee desyred if itt
were not allredie planted or disposed of the Comittee appoynted to
p̱vse the Pattent are these namely—
  • mr Gibbs.
  • mr Wroth.
  • mr Wrote.
  • mr Nicho: Ferrar.
who are likewise entreated to p̱vse the Pattents graunted to Sr Dud-
ley Diggs and his Associates, and one other to Sr Iohn Bourcher and
his Associates and after that mr Deputy is appoynted to Seale them.
A Patent graunted
to ye Lady Dale re-
ferred to a Com̃it-

Vppon mr Hamers moc̃on for the like Pattent as had beene graunted
vnto others order was given for drawinge of itt vp in the vsuall forme
and beinge p̱vsed and allowed of by the former Comittee mr Deputy
is authorized to Seale itt.

A Patent graunted
to mr Hamer.

Vppon moc̃on of the Som̃er Ilandℯ Company that they might have a
Pattent of the proporc̃on of Land given them in Virginia by this
Company beinge a thousand Acres the Court referred itt to the Audi-
tors to prepare itt against the next Quarter Court and to take the
advise of mr Iermyne therin, And that the Somer Ilandℯ Company if
they pleased might make a draught of the said Patent and present the
same to the Auditors to be corrected and amended if they shall see

A Patent for the
S: I: Company

Wheras the Plantac̃on in Virginia founded by his Maties: royall power
and prosecuted by the Adventurers and Planters with the charge of
aboute one hundred thousand pounds out of their owne pryvate estates
without any proffitt as yett [241] hath in these latter years been
cheifly Supported by his Mats: most grac̃ious graunt of the vse of the
Lottaries wch are now susspended; The Compa: for Virginia in this
great and generall Quarter Courte have ordered that the Auditors of
the same Company make vp a true and perfect Accompt of all the
said Lottaries §to§ be presented in all humble duety and thankfullnes
to his Maty: In wch Accompt is to be sett downe aswell the seuerall
Sums received as allsoe the vses whervppon they have been expended
for the advancement of the Plantac̃on, And for the better effectinge


therof, Itt was ordered likewise that the seuerall Treasurors of the
said Company should forthwith transmitt vnto the Auditors soe much
of the said Accomptℯ respectively as belongeth to the seuerall times
of their offices.
A perfect Accompt
of ye Lottaries to
be p̢sented to his

The appoynted Comittee haveinge treated wth Captaine Norton did
now reporte that findinge him resolved to plant himselfe in Virginia
with his famylie att his owne charges beinge aboute the number of
Tenn p̱sonns, and to make offer to carry ouer with him 4: Itallyans
and two servants of his owne whome hee had p̱swaded to goe wth their
wives and Children on Condic̃on they may be furnished in good
manner att the Companies charge, which six p̱sonns shall within
three moneths after their Arivall in Virginia sett vpp a Glasse
ffurnace and make all manner of Beadℯ & Glasse and to content
themselvs with the one halfe, and the other halfe of their labours to be
the Companies wherof they desire a Patent of previledge for seaven
years that they and no other in that space may sett vpp the said
Workℯ, and if any other of ye same profession be sent they to come
vnder their parte and to be imployed by them in the said worke; In
considerac̃on herof and in regard of the benefitt that is like to come
to ye generall Company; The Comittee certefyed they were of opinyon
ye Compa might graunt him such a Patent, without makinge presydent
for Monopolies; And forasmuch as Capt Norton himselfe vndertakes
the ouersight and gou9ment of this worke and p̳miseth to instruct and
traine vp Apprentizes or any other p̱son that the Company shall
appoynt to be taught therin The said Comittee have thought fitt to
allowe him a fifte p̱t of the Companies moytie, And besides hee being
desirous of a quantitie of Land, for so much as they found him soe
free and generous in his proposic̃ons they have p̳pounded 400 Acres
of old Adventure to be bestowed vppon him for his inheritance, wch
seuerall proposic̃ons the Courte takinge into their considerac̃ons did
agree first that the said p̱sons should be furnished in the best man-
ner at the Compa: charge, and shall have the Patent they desire for
seaven years. [242] Provided that in leive of their moytie of Beads
wch is the matter of Trade with the Indians properly belonginge to
the Companie they take a valuable considerac̃on either outt of the
Companies moytie of Glasse or in Corne or other like Comodities as


the Gouernor and Counsell of Virginia shall thinke meete, and for
Capt Nortons owne allowance the Courte have confirmed vnto him
the fifte parte of their moytie, and the proporc̃on of Land hee desires,
And shall have two men more for cuttinge of wood for the sayd
workℯ, wherof hee is to furnish out one att his owne charge.
The Comittees re-
porte concerninge
Capt Norton.

The Comittee appoynted by the Preparative Courte to treate with mr
Cleyborne (Comended and proposed for the Surveyors place) have-
inge mett the next day and takinge into their considerac̃ons the allow-
ances that a former Comittee had thought fitt to State that Office
withall in respect of the service hee was to p̱forme aswell in generall
as p̱ticuler Surveys did agree for his Salary to allow him Thirty
pounds p̱ annum to be payd in two hundred waight of Tobacco or any
other valuable Comoditie growinge in that Country and that hee shall
have a convenyent howse p̳vided att the Companies charge and Twenty
pounds in hand to furnish him with Instruments and bookℯ fittinge
for his Office wch hee is to leave to his Successor. Butt for the matter
of his dyett wch was formerly appoynted to be wth the Gouernor find-
inge therein some difficultie & inconvenience they had in leive therof
thought fitt to allowe him the free transporte of a third p̱son besides
himselfe and his servant and have given him 200 Acres of Land of
olde Adventure for an inheritance; And in case hee shalbe supplyed
in matter of Survey for any pryvate man his wages shall not exceed
six shillings p̱ diem besides his Lodginge and Dyett wch hee that
imployes him shall pay him for; The said allowance beinge now putt
to the question this Court did ratifie & confirme And fyndinge mr
Cleyborne contented to goe vppon the sayd condic̃ons have accepted
of him to be surveyor for three years.

The Comittees re-
porte concerninge
mr Cleyborne

The Comittee appoynted to treat with him that vndertooke to plant
Lyquorish touchinge his demaunds of the Company for his imploymt
in that kinde to their vse did now make reporte therof vnto the
Courte, wch beinge taken into further considerac̃on and fyndinge itt
a worke of no such difficultie butt that everie ordinary man might
soone learne howe to plant the same and beinge vnwillinge to putt
the Company to any further charge then needs must did therfore
refuse to entertaine this bargaine especially vppon such p̱posic̃ons as
the vndertaker had offered. [243]

The Comittees re-
porte of him yt
vndertakes to
plant Lyquoris.


Itt was signified vnto the Courte that an Apothecary offered to trans-
porte himselfe and his wife att his owne charge to Virginia if the
Company would please to give them their transporte of two Children,
the one beinge vnder the age of eight and the other a youth of good
years: wch offer the Courte did verie well like of in respecte of the
great want of men of his p̳fession and beinge putt to the question did
agree thervnto; Provided that the said Apothecary att his Cominge
ouer did exercise his skill and practise in that profession wch itt should
be lawfull and free for him to doe and to that end should be recom-
ended to the Gouernor.

An Apothecary al-
lowed to haue ye
passage of two
Children free

Itt beinge moved in the former Courte and referred to the considera-
c̃on of this Quarter Courte that the remaynes of monny due by Col-
lecc̃ons in the hands of divers Bishops might be called vppon and
brought in; The Courte desyred yt itt would please my Lord of South-
ampton to ioyne with my Lords grace of Canterbury to solicite those
Bishops by L̃res for bringinge in of the same.

The Lo: of South:
desired to ioyne
wth ye Lo: grace of
Cant̃: to solicite ye
Bishops Cr.

And beinge likewise moved that the Knightℯ and gentlemen as allsoe
the Marchantℯ and Cittizens might be earnestly called vppõ for pay-
ment of their monneys due by their subscripc̃ons, Itt was recom-
mended to the care of the Auditors to dyrect some course touchinge
the same.

The moc̃on for sol-
licitinge Knts Cr.
for their subscrip-
c̃ons referd to ye

Wheras itt was referred to the Considerac̃on of this Courte for Adven-
turers to resolve what som̃e of monny they would willinglie subscribe
to pay for raysinge a Ioynt stocke towards the p̳vidinge of Apparrell
and other necessaries wherof the Colony stood in greate need all their
former store beinge spent and therfor this Supply the more like to be
putt of wth the greater proffitt to ye Adventurors The Courte here-
vppon agreed that mr Webb should goe aboute with the Role that was
allredie drawne to that effect for Adventurors to vnderwrite.

mr Webb to Carry
the Role

Wheras the Compa: were Adventurers in the olde Magazine the sume
of 800li: and many other pryvate men of the Company interessed in
it allso; Itt was ordered that the Auditors for the said Magazine vizd

  • mr Keightley.
  • mr Cranmer.
  • mr Bull.


should meete to audite the said Accompts wherby they might knowe
[244] what they were indebted as allso what they were to receave
and for their better assistance and help in their proceedingℯ therin
the Courte have added vnto them—

mr Ayres.  mr Mellinge 
mr Bland.  and 
mr Casewell.  mr Cuffe. 
Magazine to be

Itt beinge referred to this Courte to dyrect some course for the dis-
pose of two Indian maydes haveing byne a long time verie chargeable
to ye Company itt is now ordered that they shalbe furnished and sent
to the Summer Ilands whether they were willinge to goe wth one
servante apeec towards their prefermt in marriage wth such as shall
accept of them wth that means—wth especiall dyrecc̃on to the Gou9nor
& Counsell there for the carefull bestowinge of them.

ye 2 Indian maydℯ
to be sent to ye So-
mer Ilandℯ

Itt beinge moved that a Comittee might be appoynted for drawinge
vpp of the Gouernors instrucc̃ons and Comission as likewise for the
Thr̃er and Secretary to expedite their dispatch in respect of their
p̢fixed time of their settinge forth drewe neere, The Courte nõiated
these followinge to p̱forme the same vizt.

Sr Edw: Sandys.  mr Wroth. 
Sr Io: Dauers.  mr Io: Smith. 
mr Deputie.  mr Nich: fferrar. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Casewell. 
A Comittee for
drawinge ye Gou9-
nors instrucc̃ons

Captaine Bargraue haveinge petic̃oned to this Courte that some of the
Counsell (beinge Parlyament men) might be appoynted to examine
certaine wittnesses of his beinge nowe in Towne afore their goinge
back to Virginia in the cause in difference betweene him and Sr Tho:
Smith for wch hee had petic̃oned to the Lower house of Parlyament;
The Courte made him aunswere that for soe much as Parlyament men
were named in his Petic̃on they durst not meddle therwith nor would
the Parlyament accept of Deposic̃ons taken in any pryvate Courte
without the Personall appearance of witnesses themselvs vnto the
house att the hearinge of the cause besides itt was held indyrect and


vnequall to give way to his desire, vntill Sr Thomas Smith himselfe
were made acquainted with his Petic̃on and did assent vnto this Courte
of examyninge Witnesses.
Ca: Bargranes Pe-
tic̃on for examin-
inge of Wittnesses.

Vppon the humble petic̃on of Ioice Lodge the Courte have orderd
that shee shall have one Share of Land of 50 Acres for the Adven-
ture of her p̱sonn and her thirds out of the Land due for her p̱sonall
Adventure due for of her said deceased Husband, and besides the
Courte have been pleased to bestowe vppon her one Share of Land
more for §of§ one hundred Acres old Adventure in considerac̃on of
her goods that she sayth shee lefte behinde her in Virginia, And
accordinge to her request ordered the same to be assured vnto her
vnder the Companies Seale.

Ioice Lodge Peti-

mr Peirce movinge the Courte would please to assigne him the place
wher hee desires his land might be sett outt, some of Martinℯ Hundred
alleadged yt the said Lands were allredie possessed by them [245]
butt mr Peirce affirmed the contrarie, whervppon the Courte ordered
that further enquirie should be made, and beinge found who hadd
the pryoritie or first possession itt should be assigned accordinglie.

mr Peirce moc̃on
to appoynt him ye
place wher hee
desires his Land
may be layd out

Intelligence beinge given of two Mynisters yt offered themselvs to
goe for Virginia the Court referd them to be treated & concluded with
by ye Comittees

2 Mynisters.

And for somuch as Sr Fraunces Wyat desyred hee might make choyse
of one that was willinge to goe wth him ye Courte assented thervnto.

Sr Fra: Wyate.

Mr Deputie moved that the Courte would give order for sealinge ye
Contract made wth mr Ewens, mr of the George beinge drawne vpp
accordinge to the Contract made withim which was ratyfied by a
former Courte The Courte thought fitt to Commend itt to his care to
see the same p̱formed accordinglie as allso to seale his Comission.

The Contract wth
mr Ewens to be

Mr Edward Hackluite assigned two Shares of 25li Adventure to
one Iohn More beinge next heire to Richard Hackluite his father
deceased desyred itt might pass the approbac̃on of this Courte which
was accordingly graunted they findinge his said ffather vppon search
of the booke no way indebted to the Company for ye same.

mr Edmond Hack-
luite 2 shares to
Io: Moore.


Vppon credible informac̃on that Ambrose Wood of Hamsey in the
County of Sussex gent̃ is the next heir vnto Capt Thomas Woode
deceased (beinge his onely brother) wch Thomas Wood adventured the
some of 50li towards the Plantac̃on in Virginia Anno: 1609 as by his
bills of Adventure may appeare; Itt is therfore ordered by a generall
consent that the said Ambros Wood shall have allowed and confirmed
vnto him in the right of his said Brother fower Shares of Land in
Virginia due for the Adventure of the said 50li paid into ye Treasury
as allso one Share of Land more due for the Adventure of his Broth-
ers p̱son to Virginia wher hee dyed longe since.

mr Ambrose Wood
to have 4 shares of
Land Cr.


Contraction for "the expirac̃on."