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Hymn 9.

[Blest be the Lord! by earth and heaven]


Luke i. 68, &c.

Blest be the Lord! by earth and heaven
For ever blest be Israel's God!
Himself He hath to sinners given,
His Son He hath on all bestow'd.
God was in Christ, and dwelt with men,
The Father sent His only Son,
To bring us to His arms again,
And make a sinful world His own.
He to Himself hath reconciled
The whole of Adam's rebel race,
The world by sin destroy'd, defiled,
May all be cleansed, and saved by grace.
Jesus for us our God raised up,
Jesus almighty to redeem,
The nation's Joy, Desire, and Hope,
Who all may now be saved through Him.
Salvation is in Jesu's name,
The Lord of David, and His Son;
To save a world from heaven He came,
To perfect all our souls in one.
The Father hath His word fulfill'd,
The prophecies of ancient days,
Honour'd His messengers, and seal'd
The records of His promised grace.


He by the holy men of old,
His prophets since the world begun,
The great salvation hath foretold,
Salvation in His dying Son.
Salvation from our foes within,
From death, and hell, and Satan's chains,
Salvation from the power of sin,
Salvation from its last remains.
His word for ever shall endure,
His word doth now on us take place;
He made it to our fathers sure,
The promise of His perfect grace.
The covenant of redemption He,
The faithful God, hath call'd to mind,
The covenant from all sin to free
The captive souls of all mankind.
The oath he hath to Abraham sworn,
That all mankind should in his Seed
Be blest, and find a power to turn,
And live from sin for ever freed.
Yes, with a solemn oath the Lord
Hath us, even us, engaged to bless,
To free, and hallow by His word,
And cleanse from all unrighteousness.
From all our foes, our sins redeem,
The possible offence remove,
And make us pure, and all like Him,
Renew'd, and perfected in love.
Perfect in love, that casts out fear,
We here shall His commands fulfil,
Walk in the light, and see Him here,
And answer all His righteous will.


In all His glorious image bright
We here shall serve Him all our days,
And then with saints in heavenly light
Record His everlasting praise.

i. e. The possibility of offending.