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Hymn 7.

[While pride and wrath remain within]

“The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, but the Spirit against the flesh, (and these are contrary the one to the other,) that ye may not do the things which ye would.” —Galatians v. 17.

While pride and wrath remain within,
While aught of the old Adam lives,
The fleshly principle of sin
Against the Spirit lusts, and strives;
We groan our evil heart to feel,
Children in Christ, and carnal still.
But God is to His promise just,
And arms us with sufficient grace,
The Spirit exerts a stronger lust,
We need not once to sin give place;
We do not yield to flesh and blood,
Or do the things which nature would.
Who in the Spirit walk, and live,
Their fleshly lusts shall not fulfil;
O God, Thy saying we receive,
And wait to prove Thy perfect will,
To sin we will no longer bow,
It shall not have dominion now.


It shall not always vex us here,
But lose its being with its reign;
Thou, Lord, shalt in our flesh appear,
And sin shall then no more remain;
The devil's works destroy'd shall be,
And all our souls be fill'd with Thee.