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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre

which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes

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Psalme. XCVIII.

The Argument.

Here thankes be done:
Sent Christ his sonne:
that God (in worde) most true,
mans losse (agayne) to cure:
All thinges that bee:
Such peace to see:
must laud hym (euer) due,
restord (in earth) so sure.



Syng ye all new:
For he most true;
Hys able hand:
Hys arme so grand:
to God (a song) on hye,
hath meruels (newly) wrought
hath (wonne hym) victory,
this helth (to man) hath brought



The Lord of loue:
So man to moue:
Hys righteousnes:
For theyr redresse:
thys health hath (open) layd:
to serue (in hart) aryght:
he hath full (plainly) splayd,
to Gentiles (eyes and) syght.


He cald to mynde:
To Iacob kynde:
The earth all whole:
O hym extoll:
hys (gentle) mercies free,
hys truth (and fayth) to kepe:
thys helth dyd (fully) see,
thys God (our Lord) so meke.


Thou earth sing out:
In voyce most stout:
To God thy Lord:
Thy songes record:
all whole (I say) full glad,
with (gentle) musikes sound:
(reioyce) for mercy had,
thou art most (duely) bound.


Yea sing in harpe:
Sing round & sharpe:
Wyth harpe bid I:
Your voyce apply:
to God (and Lord) so hye,
wyth all thy (tunes and) stringes
with (note of) Psalmodie:
to ioy these (heauenly) thinges.


With trūpets blow:
Both hye and low:
Make iubilies:
For Lord he is:
wyth shaulme so (swetely) sing,
extende your (harty) strength:
before this (heauenly) king,
to serue (I say) at length.


Let eke the seas:
Thys Lord to please:
The world so round:
your voyce rebound:
rore out in (merie) chere,
wyth all her (fishe in) store:
and (all the) dwellers there,
to prayse (this Lord) the more.


The floudes a like:
This Lord to seke:
The mountayns hie:
Let them be by
Let (them now) clap their hands
(wyth man) in ioyfull hart:
(so houge) aboue the landes,
to daunce (wyth man) in part.



To God do this:
For come he is:
Hys iustice sword:
Hys equall word:
let it (in sight) be plyed,
(as lord) to iudge the land:
the worlde shall (iudge and) guide,
to all shall (euenly) stande.