University of Virginia Library


NE'ER could I deem the Turk “unspeakable”,
For treason foul he did in blood repress,
Nor wherefore “Slav” should “angel” spell might guess.
Here a folk have we, sober, honourable,
True, clean, brave, honest, all that's fair and well,
And there a race name-doomed, for drunkenness
Theft, sloth, filth, treachery branded and no less
Stained with a soil of lust indelible.
Dark are the days and all the dim To-be
With murk of doubt o'ermisted is for me:
Natheless, I hope to see the conquering Turk,
Regenerate, yet the dregs of Slavdom bring
Back to the one sole necessary thing,
Duty in quiet done and wholesome work.

Cf. the etymological history of the name “Bulgar”.